Take one leader in the Bible, other than Jesus, and evaluate his or her leadership style from using the framework of modern thinking on leadership and your own theological reflection.
In her book "Leadership Can Be Taught", Sharon Parks (2005, p.3.) suggests that the study of leadership is "important for the common good" in today's "complex changing world". The term "complex changing world" could easily be used to describe the time covered by the early years of King David as described in 1 Samuel chapter 16 to 2 Samuel chapter 5, and 1 Chronicles chapter 11. This was the beginning of a turbulent Kingship for a dichotomous Israel, at a time of continual external agitation from their enemies. It was a time in which the type of leadership would determine the success or failure of the fledgling nation of Israel. Utilising contemporary leadership theory, this paper will analyse the leadership of David in his "wilderness years" whilst running from King Saul, particularly examining the way he led and influenced a group made of societies outcasts into a team. From this team some of these "discontented debtors" (1 Samuel 22:2) would forever be known among "David's mighty men" (2 Samuel 23:8 - 39).
Dumbrell (2002, p.86) describes these years of David's life as time of "waiting patiently", but on examination of Scripture these appear to show David in a time of great personal testing and tempering. This time was a time of God preparing Israel's new King (Damazio, 1988, p.134), and a period of God "removing David's crutches" (Swindoll, 1997, pp 62-69). This season of preparation is a critical step between a leader's call, and the leader's release into the fully matured functional leadership role (Damazio, 1988, pp. 131-134). To analyse David's leadership style during this time, this paper will firstly look briefly at the biblical account of David's fleeing from King Saul.
Overview of the Wilderness Years
In the preceding chapters to 1
Bibliography: Bass, B. M. & Avolio, B. (1990). _Transformational leadership development: Manual for the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire_. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologist Press. Bass, B. M. & Avolio, B. (1995). _MLQ Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire_. Technical Report. Redwood City CA.: Mind Garden. Conger, Jay A. (1990). The Dark Side of Leadership, Elsiever Science Publishing Company Inc., New York, USA. Damazio, Frank. (1988). _The Making of a Leader_, Trilogy Productions, Portland, Oregon, USA. Dumbrell, William J. (2002). _The Faith of Israel: A Theological Survey of the Old Testament_, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, USA. Epp, Theodore H. (1965). _David: A man After God 's Own Heart_, The Good News Broadcasting Association, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Keller, W. Phillip. (1985). _David: The Time of Saul 's Tyranny_, Word Books, Milton Keys, England. Klein, Ralph W. (1983). _Word Biblical Commentary, Book 10_. Word Books, Waco, Texas, USA. Maxwell, John C. (1998). The _21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership_, Thomas Nelson Inc, Nashville, USA. Northouse, Peter G. (2007). Leadership_: Theory and Practice (fourth edition)_. Sage Publications, New Delhi, India. Parks, Sharon Daloz. (2005). _Leadership Can Be Taught: A Bold Approach in a Complex World_, Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, USA. Swindoll, Charles R. (1997). _David: A Man of Passion and Destiny_, Word Books, Waco, Texas, USA. Whetham, Paul; Whetham, Libby. (2000). _Hard to Be Holy: Unravelling the Roles and Relationships of Church Leaders_, _Open_ Book Publishers, Adelaide, Australia.