HIS 204
Instructor Wylie Tidwell
Charity Palmer
August 18, 2014
Women through the years have gone through a lot of pain and suffering. Anything from suffrage to going through the civil rights movement. I chose to write about 6 important things in the history of women because well for one I am a woman and 2 I think women played a huge role in our nation’s history. I have read numerous things that say men are the superior gender but after all of this research and learning the stuff that I have, I think that women are the superiors. Women have learned to overcome a lot of obstacles through the years and have come out for the better. We are still improving the rights of women, we have come a long way and will keep moving forward.
Neale, R. S. Working –Class Women and Women’s Suffrage Labour History, No. 12 (May 1967) pp. 16/34 (JSTOR database)
This journal entry talks about the emancipation of women. The journal states that one historian says “It was during the industrial revolution moreover, and largely because of the economic opportunities it afforded to working-class women, that there was the beginning of that most important and most beneficial of all social revolutions of the last two centuries, the emancipation of women.” I think this journal will help with my paper because women found a way to get over the obstacles in their lives and being emancipated was one of the first obstacles.
Tyler-McGraw, Marie, Parlor Politics: Women and Reform. 1890-1925, Page 260 of 260-264 (JSTOR database) The Journal of American History, Vol 78, No. 1 (June, 1991) This journal is about and exhibition at the Smithsonian Museum. This exhibition links female dominated areas such as the parlors, tenement rooms, and the settlement houses. This exhibition is good for my research because it covers the thirty-five year period of women reform.
Johnson, Karen A. The Journal of