Morgan Freeman stars in a film about a group of inner city children who conquered their ultimate goals in the midst of insurmountable odds. Morgan Freeman portrays Joe Clark in this movie adaptation of a true story that occurred at Eastside High School in New Jersey in 1987. This movie teaches lessons about rising despite what negative thoughts other persons imprint in one 's mind. It also shows that one should be responsible for learning and the development of oneself.
Initially a school with a predominantly white population in the 60 's, Eastside High School was thriving. Due to the radical protest activities of teacher Joe Clark which tarnished the school 's reputation, the other teachers agreed to take the administration 's offers of transferring Mr. Clark in exchange for higher salaries. Twenty years later, the school transformed into a hell hole ' with acts of violence and drug dealing prevalent on campus and a Basic Skills pass rate a staggering thirty seven percent lower than the required seventy five percent. After two decades of absence, Mr. Clark was summoned to assume the position of principal in an effort to change the image of the school and increase test scores. Still hurt by the betrayal in the past, Mr. Clark reluctantly accepts his appointment to the position. Through motivation and establishing a feeling of one-ness, Mr. Clark achieves the task of improving the test scores as well as school conditions. Regardless of the numerous roadblocks on the path to success, Mr. Clark, with the help of faculty and students was able to accomplish his initial goal. Though appointed as principal, Mr. Clark still assumed the roles of a teacher in addition to his role as an administrator. As an administrator, he commanded attention and the recognition that he is the only one in charge. His first order of business was to hold a meeting with the staff to make changes and give them a glimpse of his personal style. He used a very authoritative
Bibliography: Sardo-Brown, D., Parsons, R. D., Hinson, S. (2001) Educational Psychology: a Practitioner- Researcher Model of Teaching, USA: Wadsworth.