Leondardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci
Oil on canvas
Benois Madonna
Leondardo Da Vinci was born in 1452, April 15 in Italy and passed away in 1519, May 2 at the age of 67. He was one of the best apprentices at Andrea del Verrocchio and he learnt many things as a student. His most famous works were Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Vitruvian on Man and The Lady with a Ermine. Leonardo was one of the most acknowledge artist of his time, he did not only paint he also drew and made sculptures. He was an inventor and a scientist.
Visual analysis:
Movement- my eyes first go to the baby and this is because the image is filled with quite dark colours whereas the baby painted in a lot lighter neutral colours. Then it goes to the hands of the baby and his mother Mary and you can see the flower they are holding, then it goes to the window and the background. When everything is so dark your eyes emdiatly go to the lighter areas and I could see that in this artwork.
Harmony-The emotion of Mary and the baby are very calm, comfortable and pure happiness and the colours are also similar and it complements each other.
Contrast-The use of the light and the shadows give it depth although it has a low contrast because the work feels soothing and subtle and not so energetic.
Emphasis: I payed special attention to the baby because it is the focal point of the artwork and it pops out of the whole image, even though it doesn’t take up a lot of space it still is clearly visible. I blurred out the rest of the image when I looked at the baby and you can see the great depth of the artwork.
Balance- The balance would be asymmetrical because there is a vary of visual weight.
Line-He used curved lines which make it feel, soft, relaxing and brings a sense of comfort.
Form- The form would be three dimensional because there is depth and it also looks extremely realistic.
Colour-In this painting he has a variety of tone you can see this with the baby because it goes from skin