It is true that in resent years many people are developing more and more interest in arts and literature. At the same time, this attraction could cause many individuals to draw away from much more significant fields like science and technology. While I accept that this trend is increasing but in my opinion this can not stop people to do more researches and produce more technological inventions.
On one hand, rapid proliferation of technology has made human lives very hard and tough. For instance, with the invention of mobile phones, we are now in the approach of our employers all the time. They can call us and hand over office work at any time. Not only that with the advancement of technology people have become much more materialistic and worldly. This race of materialism is putting people under immense pressure and tension. To take a refuge from this tense and depressive world people are taking the support of writers and painters. These artists, with their creativity, take people to an imaginary world, away from their busy lifestyle and help them to calm their tiring nerves.
On the other hand, as we are living in the 21st century, where our lives are completely dependent on science and technology, the predilection for artists can not pull us away from science and technology. No doubt, paintings are very good remedy for a sombre sole, but science provides a real cure which can save lives. In past few years huge number of researches have been done to find the treatment of a lethal disease called cancer. Only science and technology have made its treatment possible. In addition, all the natural resources, which have made our lives easy, are now available to humans because of technology. For these reasons, advancements in these fields, especially in the field of