The activities and exercises contained in the Lecture 2 and Chapter 2, Learning as a Way of Being, suggest as leaders we are continually learning as we observe others actions and or reactions. The process of "Institutional Learning" and how it conflicts with the concepts of Learning as a Way of Being, described by Peter Vaill, in “Institutional Learning” students are fed information that they are expected to memorize and regurgitate. While in the Learning as a Way of Being …show more content…
The Secret Service was founded in 1865 to combat the widespread counterfeiting of U.S. currency. In 1901, the agency was asked to begin its protective mission after the assassination of President William McKinley. Today, the Secret Service continues to protect both national leaders and visiting foreign dignitaries while helping to secure the nation’s financial infrastructure through financial and cybercrime investigations. This paradigm shift accounts for and agent’s time now spent on approximately 70% protection missions and 30% investigative missions with less the 5% spent investigating counterfeit currency and lees then 1% continual learning and training. Thus, my agency should have adjusted its Learning as a Way of …show more content…
According to the annual Best Places to Work in the Federal Government rankings, Partnership for Public Service, the Secret Service is at the bottom of the list. It comes in at No. 305 out of 305. After a leadership crisis, bad press, poor morale and work life balance issues the Secret Service attrition rate became such an issue that congress had to mandate action. The congressional panel recommended that the Director of the Secret Service be appointed from an external organization. Prior to this all previous directors were promoted within. Another notable recommendation form the panel was that the agency should allocate 25% of an agent’s time for continual learning and training. Most other agencies lead by boasting incentives of education reimbursement, having weekend and holidays off plus a telework from home day each week. Although Permanent White Water conditions will always present themselves with an agency that has a dual mission; it is my hope that these lessons learned will mitigate some of the current Permanent White Water