‘Reflective practice is something more than thoughtful practice. It is that form of practice which seeks to problematize many situations of professional performance so that they can become potential learning situations and so the practitioners can continue to learn, grow and develop in and through practice.’ (Jarvis 1992). Communication stems from the Latin word communicare, it is ‘imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing or using some other medium.’ (Oxford Dictionaries, 2005). The Gibbs reflective cycle will be used throughout the essay.
Gibbs (1988) has five stages to his to his reflective cycle; it includes a description of what took place followed by feelings about it, and reflection on what thoughts and feeling were at the time. Then it is evaluated, has it been a positive or negative experience, the happening is then analysed and conclusions are made whether there could have been an alternative or what you could have done differently. Finally an action plan is thought of, what you would do if a similar experience ascended again in the future.
Gibbs Reflective Cycle:
Communication is fundamental to nursing and can be used by nurses to encourage, inspire, educate clients and families by explain procedures or describing side effects of medication etc., facilitate mutual support, and acquire essential information necessary by performing client interviews for the overall well-being of the client. Along with communication, interpersonal skills will help establish verstehen and build a rapport with the client, it is important to be able to empathise and support your client to reduce their anxiety and stress. Therefore it is essential to establish and maintain
References: 1. Antai-Otong, D. (2007). Nurse-Client Communication: a life span approach. Sandbury: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. 3. Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by doing: a guide to teaching and learning methods. London: Further Education Unit. 4 6. Jarvis, P. (1992) Reflective Practice and Nursing. Nurse Education Today. 12 pp. 174-181 7 8. Mamen, M. (2007). Understanding Non-verbal Learning Disabilities: A Common-sense Guide for Parents and Professionals. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers 9 10. Mock, K. (2001). Effective Clinician-patient Communication. Physicians’ News Digest. [Online]. Available at: <http://www.physiciansnews.com/law/201.html> [Accessed 15 April 2011] 11 12. Oxford Dictionaries. (2011). Communication. [Online] Available at <http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/communication?view=UK> [Accessed 13 April 2011] 13 14. Riley, J. (2000). Communication in Nursing. St. Louis: MO. Mosby. 15. Seidel, R. (2004). How effective communication promotes better health outcomes. JAAPA, 17, pp. 22-24. 16. Travaline, J. Ruchinskas, R., and Alonzo, G. 2005. Patient-physician communication: why and how. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 105 (1), pp. 13 – 18 17 18. Wilkinson, C. Watson, N. (2001). Nursing in Primary Care: A Handbook for Students. London: Palgrave Macmillan.