Discuss how as physical room arrangement can provide support for children to experience the 5 principles of a supportive climate, including trust and cooperation, autonomy and independence, initiative, empathy and self-confidence, skill and concepts.
The use and organisation of the space in the classroom, daily schedule and routines and the social emotional atmosphere together makes the learning environment of the classroom.
The children's play items are the "raw materials" of learning. The space and materials in a HighScope setting are carefully chosen and arranged to appeal to children and promote the curriculum's content goals. The child should feel safe and comfortable and feel belonged.
1. “This is a good place to be.” – Clean and maintained furniture, walls decorated with mostly the work of children. Some places of the wall left blank so as not to be overwhelming.
2. “You belong here.” -
• Each child has a cubby or basket—marked with his name or picture—for keeping personal items.
• Furniture is child-size and in good condition.
• Materials, equipment, and furniture are adapted so children with disabilities can be involved in all areas of the classroom.
• Materials reflect the children’s home life and culture.
• Pictures of the children with their families are displayed.
3. “This is a place you can trust.”
• Equipment and materials are arranged consistently so children know where to find the things they need.
• Shelves are neat and uncluttered, and materials are labeled so children can make choices easily.
• A well-defined, illustrated schedule is prominently displayed so children learn the order of events that occur each day and know what to expect.
• Routines such as transitions, eating, napping, and toileting are consistent.
4. “There are places where you can be by yourself when you want to.”
• Small, quiet areas of the room accommodate