Please help us improve our learning program by responding to our brief evaluation. Please use the following scale:
6=Strongly Agree; 5=Agree; 4=Somewhat Agree; 3=Somewhat Disagree; 2=Disagree; 1=Strongly Disagree
Course Title________________ Duration
Start Date________________ Facilitator Name _______________________
Delegate Name________________ Cost Centre _______________________
Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree 6 5 4 3 2 1 n/a
1. The facilitator was knowledgeable about the subject.
2. The facilitator was prepared and organized.
3. Participants were encouraged to take part in course discussions.
4. The facilitator was responsive to participants’ needs and questions.
5. The facilitator’s energy and enthusiasm kept the participants actively engaged. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree 6 5 4 3 2 1 n/a
6. The material content was appropriate.
7. The objectives were clearly explained.
8. The course content/materials were sufficient to achieve course objectives.
9. The length of the course was appropriate for the course objectives. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree 6 5 4 3 2 1 n/a
10. I learned new knowledge and skills from this course.
11. This course was relevant to my work. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree 6 5 4 3 2 1 n/a
12. I will be able to apply the knowledge and skills learned in this course to do my job.