This is why it is crucial to show students that being outside is a great way to learn about science content. The authors were right when they explained that kids just do not go outside anymore these days and it really breaks my heart. I spent so much time outside when I was younger and I know this is one reason that I love the outdoors so much. Being outside helps creativity which students (and adults) so desperately need. I believe that many teachers are scared to go outside and teach science because they are so focused on teaching math and ela. They are scared that they are going to get into trouble or their scores are not going to be high so they focus on these two subjects. When in reality, science can be taught even when these two subjects are being taught. They can all be connected. We have to practice engaging students in science or they will not want to do it when they get into the older
This is why it is crucial to show students that being outside is a great way to learn about science content. The authors were right when they explained that kids just do not go outside anymore these days and it really breaks my heart. I spent so much time outside when I was younger and I know this is one reason that I love the outdoors so much. Being outside helps creativity which students (and adults) so desperately need. I believe that many teachers are scared to go outside and teach science because they are so focused on teaching math and ela. They are scared that they are going to get into trouble or their scores are not going to be high so they focus on these two subjects. When in reality, science can be taught even when these two subjects are being taught. They can all be connected. We have to practice engaging students in science or they will not want to do it when they get into the older