I used the data each day from the previous week. I teach a total of 47 students. Of this total, on Monday, 53%; Tuesday, 57%, Wednesday, 68%; Thursday, 40%; and Friday, 60%. The weekday with the highest amount of students that correctly completed the assignment tracker forms for the week was Wednesday. Factors that could affect students not correctly completing the forms are absenteeism and students may not understand fully how to properly complete the forms. To counter this problem, if students are absent for any reason or if they are in In School Suspension (ISS), they must denote this on their form when they return. Additionally, when I find a student incorrectly completing their form, I will show them how to complete it correctly, as soon as possible. In the future, I will devote more time at the beginning of each nine weeks grading period to teach, reteach, and demonstrate the proper way to complete the assignment tracker forms. Then I will periodically take time to show students what is expected when they complete their …show more content…
Next, I chose which type of graph I wanted to create and decided which information would be placed on the X and Y axes. The final step consisted of deciding which color scheme I wanted to use. This chart allowed me to visually track how well students were following procedure for completing their assignment tracker forms. I now recognize the importance of using data to keep track of numerous things such as, attendance, grades, competencies, and off-task behavior. These student assignment forms can also help students monitor their own progress which, could help them improve academically. Additionally, the forms can allow me identify which students’ may need help with current and future lessons, and plan for differentiated instruction which may lead to higher student achievement. According to Helping Students Set Goals and Monitor their own Learning, an online article that discusses student goal setting, allowing students to monitor their own learning and set goals can help students become further involved and more in charge of their own learning. It is for this reason, I want my students to complete the assignment tracker forms correctly. I believe with additional support from me, they can become more aware of their own learning and increase their knowledge in all of the online programs they complete. Furthermore, I can use various online tools such as Chartdog.com, TrackRTI.com, and Chartgo.com, to