1. Introduction
2. Directed Readings on Learning Styles
3. Learning Styles Left and right brain VAK Kolb Learning Cycle Honey and Mumford styles
4 Adult Learning Styles and Techniques
5 Information Literacy and Learning Styles
6 Conclusions
1 Introduction
This block provides a brief overview of learning styles for Information and Library Management (ILM) students. It contributes to the curriculum, aims and learning outcomes of an Information Literacy (IL) module for Masters level courses in information and library management. The value of this block will be the contribution that it makes to the ILM student knowledge and understanding of how different learning styles will influence the learning processes of the user. This will impact on their IL skills and capabilities for using a diverse range of information sources. Support for pedagogic methods that address individual learning styles has proved effective across all sectors of education. This approach will be useful for information professionals to influence how they design and deliver information literacy sessions for their users. The aims and learning outcomes of this block are listed below:
• To introduce students to learning styles so that they achieve an understanding of how their users can learn effectively from the wide range of resources available • To encourage students to explore how Information Professionals can use learning styles approaches to support information literacy development for users.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the topic students should be able to:
• Understand the nature of learning styles and the development of different approaches identified through research • Appreciate how recent approaches to learning styles provide interesting challenges for
References: www.businessballs.com/ Downs, S & Perry, P (1987) Developing Skilled Learners: Helping Adults to Become Better Learners (Research & Development Report 40) London Kolb, D.A. & Fry, R. (1975) Towards an Applied Theory of Experiential Learning In Theories of Group Processes, ed. C.L. Copper, pp. 33-58. London: Wiley. Kolb, D. A. (1984) Experiential Learning: Experience As The Source Of Learning And Development. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. KOLB, D.A. (1985) Learning Style Inventory .revised ed. Boston: McBer. Ornstein, Robert. (1972) The Psychology of Consciousness. W.H. Freeman USA www.peterhoney.com/