This article suggests that by linking the language learning style in teaching and learning process in the class can help the students in gaining their successful in learning language. It is important to involve the learners’ learning style in order to ease the young learners in understanding the knowledge about language, in this case English as a foreign language. However, not all the learners realize and aware about the learning style. So, the role of the teachers in helping the learners explore their learning style is much needed so that the teaching and learning process can run well.
Key words: learning style, young learners, teaching and learning process, English as foreign language, successful learners.
Learning English for young learners has become a trend in Indonesia. Therefore, every level education includes English as one of the subjects that should be taught by the teacher. However, in teaching and learning English process, the teachers often face some problems such as in giving the knowledge process to the students effectively. Sometimes the teachers feel difficult on how to deliver the materials in order to make the students understand about the language. It can not be denied because actually Indonesia treats English as a foreign language. It means that there is no obligation to use English in daily activities. Nevertheless, it becomes the challenge of the teachers to teach English to the students creatively.
Teaching English for young learners requires the teachers to think how to deliver the materials easily and creatively. It should be done because actually the young learners are active learners. Besides that, the young learners still have good memory that should be used optimally. Consequently, the teachers must understand and be aware about the condition of the young learners. It is important to guide the teachers in choosing the
References: Brown, H. Douglas. Prinsip Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Bahasa. 5th ed. England: Pearson Education. 2007. Brown, H. Douglas. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. 2nd ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 1987. Cameron, Lynne. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2001. Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching. 3rd ed. England: Longman. 2001. Richard, Jack C. and Theodore S. Rodgers. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. 2nd ed. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2001. Scott, A. Wendy and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg. Teaching English to Children. New York: Longman. 1990. Subhan, Bustami. Children Language Acquisition and English Language Teaching. Yogyakarta: LPPDMF. 2003.