Organic Chemistry-
1. It is a science that deals with the study of Carbon compounds but not all compounds containing under organic compounds.
Non-Organic Compounds a. CO- Carbon monoxide b. CO2- Carbon dioxide c. CO3- Carbonates d. HCO3- Hydrogen carbonates e. CN- -Cyanides
2. There are over millions of compounds and inorganic is approximately 100,000.
3. A science that deals with matter obtained from natural or living sources.
4. Study of Carbon Compounds.
5. According to a combustion analysis compounds derived from natural sources contained Carbon.
6. According to Jons Jacob Berzelius 1807- he was the first person who coined the term Organic Chemistry, that the Organic Chemistry is a study of compound derived from natural sources subscribe also.
Doctrine Vitalism- It is a vital force which was absent in non-living system.
7. The compounds of Carbon constitute the central chemicals of all living things on these planets, it includes DNA- this is the giant molecule containing the genetic information for all living species, it includes protein of our blood, muscles and skin, it makes-up the enzymes- are substances, e.g. amylase and pepsin produce by living cells that are essential to life.
8. Together with the Oxygen in the air we breath Carbon compounds in our diet furnish energy that gives life, Millions of years, most of the Carbon Atom on earth existed in the form of CH4, Methane gas together with water ammonia and hydrogen where the main components of the primordial atmosphere.
The first thing to develop, it has been shown experimentally that when electrical discharges of highly electric radiations in the primordial atmosphere. Many of the compounds become fragmented into highly reactive pieces combined into more complex compounds.
Amino acid
Hydrogen cyanide
This compound together with water, ammonia and hydrogen carried by rain into the sea until the sea will becomes vast