Introduction to Electronic Information Engineering
Digital Electronics Technology Used in Aircraft Carrier Landing
Major : Mechanical Engineering and Automation | Name : Salman Saleem 萨尔曼 | Roll No. :
30th December , 2012
An Aircraft Carrier is a floating warship designed to deploy and recover aircraft, acting as a seagoing floating airbase. Aircraft carriers allow a naval force to project airpower worldwide without having to depend on local bases for staging aircraft operations. They have evolved from wooden vessels used to carry dozens of fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft.
Aircraft carriers are extremely expensive to build and important to protect. Of the ten nations that possess an aircraft carrier, seven possess only one. Twenty-one aircraft carriers are currently active throughout the world with the U.S. Navy operating 11 of them with Italy and Spain operating 2 each and Brazil, China, France, India, Russia, Thailand and United Kingdom operating one each.
There are many technologies used in an Aircraft carrier to help the landing of aircrafts, many of the nations in the world have been practicing it from a long time. Many of which nations have succeeded and many failed. One of the most important technologies used in aircraft landing were the LED’s, Wireless technologies, Radio’s, and much more. In this assignment i am going to describe about how LED’s have helped in the carrier landing.
1. LED’s Used in Rotary-Wing Aircraft Landing
In helicopter or other Rotary-wing aircraft landing Helicopter Visual Aid Systems (HVLAS) are used. They are integrated on the decks where the helicopter lands, which helps the pilot to land on it properly and help them to see whether the landing are is free or busy. Most of the HVLAS are built by LINKSrecht’s which have sold over 50 HVLAS and more than 20 interior LED lightening systems for submarines in USA, United Kingdom , France and others .