I grew up listening to people like Doug Phillips; the people I live around and with are often Calvinist. I became violently opposed to Calvinism slowly, and was drawn to social justice issues. I still believed in God and went to church, but I was trying to find out more about anarchism, and left libertarianism.
Unfortunately, I didn't realize that "left libertarianism" was Neo-Maoism until I already was deeply confused about gender and blinded by ideology. Because I knew that so many people who I loved were stuck in ideology, I shifted over to another ideology that was bad, and began hating myself for existing while challenging my former ideology (My Christian ideology was mostly C.S. Lewis, and this is why I dislike C.S. Lewis now; although, I still enjoy Narnia).
A former …show more content…
Now I'm trying to be helpful and honest, but it is still hard since I still shift back and forth (meditation is something I have done, but I got out of the habit).
More closely related to the topic at hand (Corruption): I think that corruption at an individual level terrifies me more initially, but systemic corruption leads me to fear long term consequences. There is probably a lot that could be done to remedy both issues, but since corruption isn't always obvious on the surface I don't know how to help governments.
I think I may be able to speak to problems in churches though. If a church is not clear about where the tithe money is going, and/or if a church is always sponsoring organizations that do not directly involve members of the church going out and helping in communities I have more questions. My church pays for a building to worship in (owned by a Christian theatre company), and everyone in the church knows each other and will offer additional financial support when someone is in