“Left To Tell” is about discovering God during the Rwandan Holocaust. At the time there was two different religious, Hutus and Tutsis. Immaculée family is catholic. The book is about Immaculée surviving within a pastor's tiny bathroom and her faith between God and forgiveness for all evil.
In the novel “Left To Tell” family and friend are a constant theme found in the novel. For example, “ I wish I had know that night was to be our last fAmily supper together… I loved them and thanked them for loving me. But I didn't.” This quote shows how thankful Immaculée is for the family she had. But regrets not saying how truly …show more content…
she is for having them and loved them.
- Ilibagiza, Immaculée. Left To Tell. February 15, 2006. Print.
A quote for Friend is, “ I struggled into the hall and leaned against the wall. How could my dearest friend turn against me?... How was it possible for a heart to harden so quickly?” This quote means how heart broken Immaculée is after being long life friends with her, how her dearest friend turn her back on her.
-Ilibagiza. Immaculée. Page 59. Left To Tell. February 15, 2006. Print.
“The love of a single heart can make a world of difference.” Meaning one person can change the world.
-Ilibagiza, Immaculée. www.ImmaculéeIlibagiza.com
“To me I think justice is part of forgiving if it is well done with love.” Meaning once you have made a piece trait for one another you have made it With love.
-Ilibagiza, Immaculée. www.likesuccess.com
The theme God has a great significance to the novel. For instance, “ I tired again, praying for him to forgive the killers, but deep down I couldn't believe that they deserved it all… i was praying forth the devil.“ This quote means, how immaculate is praying for the forgiveness of the killers but can't because she's full of hatred for them.
-Ilibagiza Immaculée. Left To Tell. February 15, 2006. Print.
Another example for the theme God is “I don't know where I got the strength to say such things… God would help us” This quote means, immaculee calling out to God to give not only her, put others strength.
-Ilibagiza, Immaculée. Left To Tell. Page 60. February 15, 2006. Print.
“Faith moves mountains, if Faith were easy there would be no more mountains.“ This quote means hoe hard Faith is comparing Faith to the mountains.
-Ilibagiza, Immaculée. www.ImmaculéeIlibagiza quote.com
“ Never refuse any who ask you for help … live as God would have you live, and others will be inspired to do the same. This quote means treat others the way you want to be treated and receive good
-Ilibagiza, Immaculée. www.ImmaculéeIlibagizaquote.com
The theme forgiveness is one of the most important themes throughout the novel. “ I held on to my father's rosary and asked God to help me … forgive them ; they know not what they do.” This quote means, Immaculee calling for God to forgive them for they are not knowing what they have done.
-Ilibagiza, Immaculée. Left To Tell. February 15, 2006. Print.
Moreover, “ I pray that you see the evil you're doing… ask.for God's forgiveness before it's too late. This quote means to seek for God to be free sin and seek for him.
-Ilibagiza, Immaculée. Left To Tell. February 15, 2006. Print.
“The power of forgiveness is huge ; it is really big, and it can save this world.” This quote means forgiveness is an important part of everyday life not just meaning a word it's an action that must prove to show forgiveness.
In conclusion, Immaculée is a young independent women overcoming obstacles including the murder of her family. Immaculée had to.overcome starvation and anger out seeks for God's help to.forgive all the evil that we commit