Marketing and advertising are the main channels that all companies use to get access to the customers and present their products to the potential customers. These have a very huge impact on the sales and the overall profit that the company will get. Every company must put into consideration all the legal and ethical issues to ensure that they attract more customers to buy their products hence maximizing their overall profits. Failure to put into consideration the ethical and legal issues in marketing will repel the customers from the company hence low sales and this may put any company out of business.
The legal issues related to marketing and advertising include the laws and regulations that are laid down regarding marketing and adverting. Every state has statutes and general laws that dictate how marketing and advertising has to be carried out. From whatever area that the company operates, it has to follow the laws about marketing and adverting. Failure to follow the laws may put the company in legal problems which may be very costly and affect their profit margins. Such legal problems may also destroy the reputation of a company making the potential customers as nobody wants to be involved with the products of a company that has legal problems concerning their marketing and advertising strategies.
Ethical considerations regarding marketing aim at regulating exploitative marketing techniques which most competitors use to outdo their rivals. For instance, a company can reduce its costs of the products to a very low amount which means the other firms may not be able to manufacture more good as the cost of production will have increased. More so, some advertising strategies can paint the image of a rival firm and this can have an adverse effect on the firms’ profitability. It’s the governments’ responsibility to ensure that
References: Halbert, T., & Ingulli, E. (2012). Law and ethics in the business environment. (7th ed., p. 21). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Hurd, R. (2012, August 9). Oakland roofing company president sentenced for tax fraud. Retrieved from company-president-sentenced-tax-fraud Wolski, C. (2013, December 7). What is direct to consumer marketing? Retrieved from