children; he is not receiving support from the NCP. She is in the arrears. Mr. stated that is his case.
Jefferson County DHR’s testimony revealed that Jefferson has two cases.
The first case is with the custodial parent (CP), Khrystal D. Washington, for the children Xavier Jones and Kenedi Jones. In 2000, an order was established for the children for $300.00 per month current support and $22.00 a month toward the arrears of $1,818.00. In October 2007, child support was suspended and reset for March 10, 2008 to address the arrearages later. Mr. Jones obtained custody of the children. This is an arrears only case. In the CP Washington’s case, the NCP owes arrears of $1,801.10 and interest of $31,514.69, for a total $33,315.79. DHR has been receiving payments on this case each month with the last payment dated August 21, 2015 in the amount $172.00 and another payment on the same day of $176.00. The other case is an out of state UIFSA case, with the CP, Dakota Bennerman, from the State of Florida. In January 2004, Florida submitted the UIFSA case requesting DHR to enforce an order. The date of the order is March 21, 1997 for the support amount of $244.00 each month. This is an arrears only case. At this time, the NCP owes interest of
Jefferson-Bessemer County DHR’s testimony revealed that Bessemer has a case is with the CP, Tameka Church, for the child, Joshua Anthony Lewis. On February 10, 2009, the judge signed the order establishing paternity and support to begin on March 1, 2009 at $252.00 per month. In addition, retroactive support was set for $2,520.00 to reimburse the State of Alabama at $100.00 per month. The NCP has been making the payments; current support is ongoing. As of today, the NCP owes interest to the CP in the amount of $421.16 and current support of $252.00; total due is $673.16.
The State Department of Human Resources (SDHR) representative’s testimony revealed that the information provided applies to all the NCP’s cases. On May 18, 2015, the FIDM lien was requested in accordance with the Code of Alabama 1975, 30-3, 30-3-197, and 30-3-198. On May 19, 2015, the Secretary of State acknowledged the FIDM lien, the FIDM levy was requested, and the Notice of Levy was sent to the financial institution. On May 21, 2015, the levy package was produced. On June 15, 2015, the Lien Unit mailed the Notice of Decision to the NCP. On June 22, 2015, the FIDM levy was requested and the Notice of Levy was sent to the financial institution. On June 24, 2015, the levy package was produced. On July 2, 2015, the Lien Unit received the NCP request for an administrative hearing. On July 14, 2015, the Lien Unit received a request for an administrative review from the NCP and a request for an administrative hearing. On that same day, the Lien Unit mailed a letter to the NCP requesting the last three months bank statements and proof of who made the deposits. They also requested the NCP to submit the documents to the Lien Unit within ten days of the date on the letter. On July 24, 2015, the Lien Unit received the Notice of Levy from APCO ECU-Birmingham stating no funds. On July 30, 2015, the Lien Unit mailed the Notice of Decision to the NCP. The letter dated July 14, 2014 mailed to the NCP received no response. In addition, the Lien Unit did not receive any documents from the NCP.
The NCP asserted that he did not meet the requirements of a lien/levy, to remove the lien on his bank account, and some of the money that was in his savings did not belong to him.
The SDHR representative response to the NCP’s issues: The Child Support Enforcement Division (CSED) reviewed the facts and found no error based on the NCP’s allegation that some of the money that was in his savings did not belong to him. In addition, the CSED reviewed the facts; the NCP did not provide the requested documents per letter mailed to him on July 14, 2015. Therefore the lien/levy will remain.
The Lien Unit recommends that the lien/levy remain in place, any money collected is to be applied to the arrears balances.