Main legal issues and conforming to these:
1. Copyright Act – this act has existed since 1911 and in alternative forms even before this. It was amended in 1992 so that computer programs and digital work was included within other areas of the same act. In particular all the rules governing Literary work became applicable to Computer Software.
Latest Copyright Act – Copyright Designs & Patents Act 1988 was updated in 1992 and more recently in 2009
What is actually covered by the act?
1. Copying of software or distributing it.
2. You are not allowed to auto software that you don’t own.
a) Copyright issues have crossed over from Computers into Literary works because many books are now illegally shared and copied by computer means.
? Do you know of any examples of this….
There are free and shared resources that can be obtained legally over the Internet
(i) The College subscribes through its University links to the Athens project which puts many journals and books into the academic area allowing them to be used for research etc. under a ‘fair use’ scheme.
(ii) There are specific legal on-line resources managed again for education/not for profit basis such as OER Commons (Open Education Resources) – openly accessible text books for students but don’t forget to read the small print/rules. OER Commons
b) Similarly the early 90’s saw a very great expansion in the copying of music using computer means. During the 60’2,70’s and 80’s it was relatively difficult to copy music because of the media used, the costs involved and the speed of making the copies. What made the use of computers so effective to those making pirate copies?
What examples of the breaking of copyright are you aware of with music/computers?
Question: Do people abide by the Copyright laws and will they continue to do so?
2. What is DRM?
Digital rights management is a far-reaching term that refers to any scheme that controls access to copyrighted material