The Nature and Development of Human Rights
* The definition of human rights * Human Rights: Basic rights and freedoms believed to belong justifiably to all human beings
* Developing recognition of Human Rights
Abolition of Slavery * Slavery is when one person becomes the ‘property’ of another. The most traditional form of slavery is when a role (usually manual and/or labour-intensive) is filled for little to no cost. Some examples of types of enslavement include debt slavery, slavery for punishment and when prisoners of war are made into slaves. * When Europe was expanding its power across the new world, it needed cheap labourers in order to expand. Their solution to this problem was the Translantic slave trade, trading products to Africa in exchange for slaves for Europe. The slave trade operated between the 17th century and the 19th century. * The abolitionist movement was headed by rational thinkers and religious figures who realized that it was a breach of human rights. Over time different legislation was put into effect that abolished slavery and made it illegal. * Somersett (R v Knowles; exparte somersett (1772) made slavery illegal in Britain * Brit. Politician Willberforce’s pressure on the government led to the slavery abolition act 1833 (UK) which banned importation of slaves to British colonies * War of independence from Spain led to many Latin American countries to abolish slavery * Abraham Lincoln + American civil war, US slaves freed 1865 &Third amendment to US * Europe slave trade meeting= Belgium and 13 other European powers signs Act of Brussles (1885) * 1926 League of Nations slavery convention’s aim was to prevent and suppress slave trade. To bring about progressively and as soon as possible, the complete abolition of slavery in all forms. * Post WWII, UN states declare slavery prohibited under Universal Declaration of Human rights * 1981 West Africa