The Oxford Dictionary defines coffee as “a hot drink made from the roasted and ground bean-like seeds of a tropical shrub” (CITATION). Coffee comes in all shapes and forms including hot, iced, and flavored. Coffee has taken an interesting and long journey to get into my home. My grandparents were very involved with their church, especially in supporting missionaries …show more content…
worldwide. A family who moved to Columbia for the mission field would send my grandparents what the Columbians call “real coffee”. Meaning a better roast and brew of coffee, because of how the Columbians plant, nurture, harvest and roast the beans. The more my grandparent’s friends continued to provide coffee for them, the more my grandparents and mom were hooked.
Coffee is one of the first things my family buys when grocery shopping. We buy two coffee bags every time we go to No Frills.
Coffee became a part of life for them. My family is very social. We have many friends come over to have a cup of coffee, play games and talk. Since my mom was hooked on drinking coffee, it was inevitable that I would become hooked when I was at an appropriate age to have an increased amount of caffeine. Coffee and talking is one of the biggest things I do with my friends. Sometimes we get coffee and go for a walk or we sit down for hours and talk.
What I have always found very interesting is history. Especially history of items or cultural norms that are present in my life today. The production and introduction of coffee to North America is very enlightening.
Caffeine is the number one daily consumed beverage worldwide. Many of the food and beverages individuals include in their diet include caffeine in the ingredients. The benefits and risks coffee drinkers research have been debated for centuries. If there are more risks than benefits from consuming caffeine, why do so many Canadians depend on this stimulant? There are many different
*Use other articles as well in this section!!!!
The effects that caffeine has on the human body is unlike other drugs. For some individuals, there are behaviour alterations that cause “alertness, energy and ability to concentrate” (Nehligh,1998, pg.563). However, alterations can also cause risks to health, which are in effect for individuals who consume a high concentration of caffeine. Some of these risks include cardiovascular disease, cancer to many areas of the body, sleep issues, hyperactivity and attention issues (pg. 563). As the psychoactive substance increases in popularity worldwide so will the risks to health.
The high caffeine consumptions can also cause withdrawl.
*Health Risks and Benefits
A recent statistic from the Government of Canada suggests that “coffee accounted for almost all the caffeine that adults consumed: 80.6%. (Tea and soft drinks made up 12.3% and 5.9%.)” (CITATION). Health Canada recommends not exceeding 400mg of caffeine per day.
*Economic Factor
-Fair trade
The purpose of fair trade is to provide the ethical and proper wages to the workers for the product.
By providing these wages, individuals lives ae
After careful research and thinking I will still be drinking coffee. However, I will continue to only buy ethically sourced and fair trade coffee. As well, as I will be lowering my coffee intake to only two cups a day. This is so that my body does not become completely dependent on the caffeine. I know two cups of coffee sounds like a lot for an adult, but I am a student and love the taste of coffee. I do not drink coffee just for the energy boost. I drink it because it is flavourful, relaxing and gives me a little more motivation that I need before school or work.
Coffee is not just a drink, it's a culture. It is a drink that many people gather together to enjoy and converse. Not to mention the human body has been come very dependent on the caffeine levels people especially in North America consume daily. In my opinion, if individuals drink coffee and other caffeinated beverages in moderation there will be limited health risks later in