The only positive finding was that marijuana wasn’t much different from some other, but legal drugs. So I decided to look for some of the positive effects that marijuana legalization might have on society, first starting with supposed effects and then finding statistics and facts from areas where marijuana is already legal. After a bit of searching I fell upon another web article called “Pros of Marijuana Legalization” from the site which wrote about effects of marijuana but inclined towards the positive with presumed estimations that marijuana may have financially on America. As claimed by the article, marijuana has many medicinal uses in treating certain conditions and even treats those going through other treatments that can be difficult. Chemotherapy for cancer patients “often causes extreme nausea and vomiting” which can be reduced by marijuana because of the THC compound while also relieving anxiety. Marijuana can also treat conditions such as asthma, glaucoma, muscle spasms and improved appetite. In my opinion, if marijuana can improve appetite then it can also be used to treat Anorexia which is a serious problem especially in women and younger age groups in our society today. Having myself a disease called Chron's disease, I use medicinal marijuana and it helps with …show more content…
Only 2 of them have legalized it for recreational use, those states being Colorado and Washington and Oregon. These 3 states, according to some articles, profited financially from the legalization. After reading lots of articles, I came across a blog post called “After legalizing marijuana, Washington and Colorado are starting to regulate it” from the that shows how differently Colorado and Washington are handling marijuana. The post talks about how they regulate the drug: Washington has limited the amount of sellers and distributors while Colorado has made no such thing yet. While Washington State has limited sellers it still has given the cities the right to choose how they regulate the sell of marijuana. Colorado, on the other hand, has given even more freedom to the locals as the counties are still debating on the legalization of non-medical marijuana. In Washington though, it is still in question how exactly the taxing on marijuana will take place since legalization is relatively new. According to the post, if taxes go as expected it is “estimated to increase annual state revenue by $67 million” (Niraj) which is quite a lot in comparison to our economy