I have found it believable that what Cesar Chavez and the UFW's actions were not only for the labor movement for the betterment of civil rights for all laborers not just Mexican Americans. He begins prefacing his commonwealth speech by giving a story about the Bracero farm workers and how they all died on a converted flatbed truck. It seems to be a tactic to touch on the listener's empathy which he then describes the living conditions for many workers. He also goes into the fact that under aged children were qualified workers, which sounds atrocious now that we have so many laws protecting against it. Chavez mentioned that he envisioned a dream where he and probably everyone else would be treated fairly. These few ideas found in his speech already show me that he wasn't just fighting for a labor movement but for the betterment to the way workers were treated as human beings.…
Adler, Mortimer J. “How to Mark a Book,” How to Read a Book. Simon &Schuster.1940. In “How to Mark a Book,” the author, Mortimer Adler encourages readers to “read and write amongst the lines” of the book, the author convinces readers to understand that it is an act of love marking a book and doing so will help you in different ways. a book brings out all thoughts that come to one’s mind because when is read consciously will lead you to different perspectives and opinions about the topic but is also telling us that buying so many books and having an amazing library that doesn’t means that you have a mind enriched by books because you can’t buy knowledge, and because of that Adler explains that there is three types of book owners.…
In today 's society Americans are suffering from increased destruction due to the never-ending war against drugs. Government officials make promising speeches to advocate tougher drugs laws. This war against drugs has not accomplished anything. Legalization and taxing is an option that should be considered to show how legalizing and taxing marijuana will put end to this cycle.…
The topic of legalizing marijuana has been a topic of controversy for quite some time now not only throughout our local streets, but throughout the local and into the state government. The legalization of marijuana is such a controversial topic because some are for it and some are against it. People are for the legalization because of the great uses it has towards medicine, the money that could come from the taxation of legalized marijuana, and the emptying of prisons because of the releases of marijuana offenses. The list could go on and on. Other people are against the legalization because it is considered a “gateway drug”, or because the legalization of marijuana would eventually lead to the legalization of harder drugs such as heroine or cocaine. Despite the negative comments about the drug, marijuana should be legalized because it would give the U.S. a huge amount of money from the taxation and regulation of the drug, its uses would greatly impact our health throughout the medical field and throughout our own well being, and would help our fight with the war on drugs and our overcrowded prisons.…
Several topics in modern day society cause controversy, but one topic that out ranks them all is the legalization of marijuana. The main argument is whether not marijuana should be treated the same as already legalized drugs, such as tobacco and alcohol. Many Americans use marijuana illegally; the people using the drug range from the age of teens to even adults in their eighties. Marijuana is considered by most, especially in legal terms, as a dangerous drug. Although the drug is seen as such, many still continue to use it and argue it should be legalized for several reasons. Both citizens and government officials alike debate this topic. To successfully develop and argument for the legalization of marijuana the topic must be defined, the history of the topic must be unveiled, an argument must be made, and a good solution should be proposed. Yes, both sides of the argument both have well supported positions, but marijuana should be legalized by the United States government because the facts supporting legalization far outweigh the arguments keeping the drug as it is.…
How many people here have smoked cannabis, commonly known as marijuana? Most people probably wouldn’t say if they have because of the fact that it is a criminal activity. But why is smoking marijuana frowned upon in our society? If you think about it, it is less lethal than tobacco and alcohol, and would probably bring in more revenue than both. The government could benefit by taxing its sales. Marijuana has been proven to be safe and it is supported by many celebrities and famous people throughout time. I believe that medical marijuana should be legalized in order to help those who are ill, to revive the economy, and to help minimize crime.…
The problems and violence caused by the use of illicit drugs, and the lack of efficient measures by the government to reduce the use of these substances has affected both society and businesses. In recent years, many politicians have debated the pros and cons of decriminalizing marijuana, even the population voted to decide whether to legalize or not is the best option. Throughout this essay, it will be analyze both sides of the issue and confirm if legalization of marijuana is the best option for U.S. and how this affect Mexico in the legal, society and business aspects.…
My name is Danielle Meyok and I am a student currently enrolled in grade 12 at Ecole Sir John Franklin High School. I am writing on the topic of legalizing Marijuana in Canada. One of the most controversial issues facing our generation is if we should legalize marijuana. I strongly support the idea to tax and regulate pot for adult recreational use and I believe the demand for this substance is still high.…
Have you ever been so tense that you just wanted to get away? If marijuana were legal, that would never be a problem. Marijuana is one of the most important issues in the world today. There are many reasons for people to be in favor of marijuana, or against it. There are many different reasons that people use marijuana, and some of them are actually positive. Marijuana can help overstressed workers relax in their free time, boost the economy, and help improve human health. This topic has been debated for years, but it is finally starting to take effect. Several states already allow the use of marijuana for various medical reasons, with several more states giving serious consideration to the issue. Several states already sell k2, which is somewhat of a synthetic type of marijuana without toxins.…
Legalizing Marijuana has been an ongoing controversy for many years. Marijuana is considered the gateway drug that leads to the use of much stronger drugs. The use of Marijuana is highly addictive and can cause long-term users many discomforts when trying to stop. Marijuana is also used to help lessen the pain for patients with Glaucoma, Cancer, Arthritis, and many other illnesses. Patients have reported feeling more comfort with less pain after the use of Marijuana. From an ethical standpoint and for these medical purposes Marijuana should be legal.…
Overall right now the sale, use, and possession of marijuana is illegal under federal law in the United States. Yet the federal government does allow a state to decriminalize marijuana provided there is a regulatory system in place. Marijuana is now legal in Colorado, Oregon, Alaska, and Washington. Yet in all of the other 46 states in the US marijuana is illegal. But to a certain degree, the laws regarding possession and intake of marijuana drastically differ from state to state. The fact that the law is not consistent is extremely problematic. This is equivalent to telling your kids, young cousins, nieces and nephews, or children you babysit that it's ok to to swing on the swings at the park by your house but not ok to swing at the park by…
Currently in the state of North Carolina it is illegal to be in possession of marijuana. However there is a state bill currently working its way through the North Carolina legislative process. If this bill passes it would legalize medical marijuana. It is also important to remember that even if medical marijuana is made legal according to North Carolina fall, possession of marijuana for any purpose was still be illegal under federal law (Freeadvice: law, 2013).…
There are many opponents to the idea of legalizing marijuana though states such as California, Arizona and many other states have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes (Barnes, 2000). So if marijuana has medicinal attributes then how does it also fit the unsafe category? So it is a drug that is medicinal but also harmful, is this not the case with almost every approved pharmaceutical drug? There is a strong argument by many that legalizing marijuana will send the wrong message and increase its recreational use, consequently causing more harm than good. I wholeheartedly object that legalizing marijuana will send the wrong message. I believe that the good in legalizing marijuana by far outweighs the bad. I believe that legalization would have a positive impact on our economy but many people are blinded by their own perceived moral relativism. States have taken the unilaterally approach of legalizing marijuana based on utilitarianism morals and political theory, essentially civil disobedience due to the unilateral belief that legalization based on the weeds medicinal properties is greater good than harm (Barnes, 2000).…
For several years in the United States there has been a controversy on should Marijuana be legalized or not. I find this topic very interesting because I know a lot of information. Most people think that Marijuana is a gateway drug. In my opinion, Marijuana is the safest drug in the world. For the first time in history, Marijuana is legalized in a few states. It is a safe drug because doctors can prescribe it to people and that they have the option to smoke it if they have cancer. The thing that gets me mad is that alcohol is legal and Marijuana is illegal.…
The legalization of marijuana is an interesting issue that is discussed often today. Many people agree that doing this would have many benefits, but others stand firm in the beliefs that it will do more harm than good. Since the government is not doing a very good job of stopping the import, export, and use of marijuana in the United States, they should stop trying to completely block it, and instead, regulate it. The legalization of marijuana would have many positive effects such as greater amounts of money for more important government responsibilities, more room in jails for the more serious offenders, and would end the use of marijuana by teens just to ?do something bad? and try and get away with it.…