The only place in America where prostitution is legal is in the rural counties in the state of Nevada. Located there are places known as brothels where John's can come in and pick any girl they want. Brothels are the most controlled environment and the women that are working there are on contracts that allow them to take a percentage of the revenue they bring in. Prostitution is an industry that has been unregulated and untaxed since its conception. Legalizing prostitution will allow for Uncle Sam to collect taxes that can help go towards roads, schools, and other things that can help the community. According to Michael S. Scott and Kelly Dede, authors of Street Prostitution 2nd Edition, street prostitutes charge on average anywhere from 50 to 100 dollars depending on the act. Street prostitutes see on average between four and six customers a shift and they usually work five to six days a week. That breaks down to an average 100,000 dollar salary, all tax free. This is just small fraction of the estimated $14.6 billion dollar underground prostitution industry in America that goes …show more content…
The way the laws are written now according to Julie Pearl, author of Highest Paying Customers, are costing Americans 7.5 million dollars annually in each city to apprehend and prosecute prostitutes and Johns. This is money that can be put back into the local government and police officers back on the street looking for violent offenders. The reform for prostitution to be legal would have to start at the federal level, this would ensure that prostitutes are safe from legal prosecution from the state and county levels of the law. The law reform would also have to carry over for the Johns to protect them from being prosecuted as well. With reform in place prostitution would then be able to be taxed, creating revenue instead of creating a bigger budget deficit. Prostitution will need new policies and regulations that will be able to help keep working girls safe and to protect the community. These policies and regulations would be similar to those that govern sexually oriented businesses. Zoning laws would prevent prostitutes from operating near schools, churches, and business, creating a new zone like Amsterdam’s red light