But there are other possibilities too. One (in countries where the prior consent of the deceased is required for cadaveric organ donation) is to pay people living now for rights over their body after death (…) the ban on direct sales and allocation by a central agency ensure that the organs go not to those most able to pay, but to those in most need” (Wilkinson)
Nevertheless, there is still some wariness over some aspects of Organ Sale which include its ethical aspects and the effects it may have on the poor. However, Organ sale should be legalized because it would end the urgent issue of organ shortage, which causes organ trafficking and thousands of deaths every year.
Organ Sale would stop thousands of deaths from happening every year. One of the reasons people die is because organs are not available and people die awaiting a transplant. In 2004, in the USA alone, every day 115 people were added to the waiting list, that is one person every 13 minutes (Kishore). Overall, 86 173 people were on the nation’s organ transplant waiting list, unfortunately, around 17 patients died everyday waiting for their organ, that is one person every 85 minutes (Kishore). This situations has only become more dire with every passing year. According to Richard Knox, in