In Atlanta, Georgia alone, figures state that the illegal sex trade industry brings in two hundred and ninety million dollars yearly. The men or women, who control the prostitutes by giving them jobs, are called pimps, on the streets. Some of these, so called, pimps bring in thirty three thousand dollars in one week. Out of all the prostitutes in America today, two hundred and four were killed out of one hundred thousand in 2014. As being said, most of the prostitutes today have just graduated from high school and are minors. Eighty two percent of prostitutes have been assaulted and sixty eight percent have been raped before while making the illegal transaction. Another fact of illegal sex trade is that these prostitutes are eighteen times more likely to be murdered with prostitution being illegal
In Atlanta, Georgia alone, figures state that the illegal sex trade industry brings in two hundred and ninety million dollars yearly. The men or women, who control the prostitutes by giving them jobs, are called pimps, on the streets. Some of these, so called, pimps bring in thirty three thousand dollars in one week. Out of all the prostitutes in America today, two hundred and four were killed out of one hundred thousand in 2014. As being said, most of the prostitutes today have just graduated from high school and are minors. Eighty two percent of prostitutes have been assaulted and sixty eight percent have been raped before while making the illegal transaction. Another fact of illegal sex trade is that these prostitutes are eighteen times more likely to be murdered with prostitution being illegal