They had just recently developed a new strain that was high in CBD, the medically beneficial compound in weed, and very low in THC, the compound that gets you high. The brothers had trouble selling it because those looking for recreational marijuana weren’t looking for anything like this strain. The brothers were very cautious about meeting the Figi’s when they learned of Charlotte’s age, but were quick to agree to sell them the strain after meeting the family. Josh Stanley was very influenced by the Figi’s story, implying that Charlotte was like family to the six brothers: “Charlotte is the most precious little girl in the world to me. I will do anything for her” (Young, CNN). The brothers have been able to sell the medically beneficial strains for next to nothing, helping out families across the country. The strain the brothers created for Charlotte needed a name, and it got a fitting one, Charlotte’s Web.
Charlotte began getting two doses of the oil per day in her meals and only suffered about three or four minor seizures a month after that. Today, Charlotte is 10 years old and much better off than she was. She has steadily improved mentally and physically, without the side effects of all the prescription and experimental drugs that she was on before. Furthermore, her parents could relax and Charlotte’s quality of life became much