Legislators are proposing a ban on texting while driving. Many people today have cell phones which makes texting a big part of life today. If you do not have all your attention on the road, cars can become very dangerous. Legislators should ban texting while driving to prevent accidents that could be avoided and to spend less time on their phones. Legislators should ban texting and driving to prevent accidents that could be avoided. Thousands of people die each year from distraction-related accidents. These people’s deaths are not necessary because they can be limited. With less use of phones while driving, accidents can be prevented and less people can die each year. “More than 3,000 people lost their lives last
year in distraction-related accidents” (Khan and Stark). Legislators need to ban texting to help prevent text-related car accidents. Technology is a good thing, but when put to a limit. Most of those accidents can be prevented if the law was passed so people could be more focused on driving and not on their phones. Secondly, Legislators should ban texting while driving so that people will spend less time on their phones throughout the day. People need to look at the outside world more and text less because we only have one life. Life is important and people should enjoy it. People need to look out for themselves and for others. “No email, no text, etc., is worth a human life”( Lowy ). Technology is a big part of life, but we must put our phones down and focus on important things. Driving is a luxury, and needs to be taken seriously because although it is efficient, it can also become very dangerous.