Section (i)
The articles chosen for this essay paper were “Corporate Environmental Reporting: A test of legitimacy theory” by Trevor D. Wilmshurst and Geoffrey R. Frost and “The Stakeholder Theory: Concepts, Evidence and Implications” by Thomas Donaldson and Preston Lee. There were several factors that contributed to my choosing these particular articles for my study. First and foremost, these articles were both peer reviewed and the journals they were sourced from, namely the Academy of Management Review (AMR) and the Accounting, Auditing & Accountability (AAA) Journal are both journals that currently publish research articles on papers concerning environmental and social reporting, the foundation on which my assignment is based. Secondly, I was intrigued by the ‘titles’ of these articles. I knew that from reading these articles I would gain an in-depth insight into the two theoretical perspectives I was required to discuss in detail as part of this assessment. Thirdly, these articles vary significantly in their approaches to presenting the different theoretical perspectives in question. The first article outlined above was based on empirical evidence where a selected sample from the top 500 listed Australian companies for 1994-1995 was used in the survey, while the basis for the second article was contesting views and theories drawn from numerous years of research. This to me was an interesting mix. Last but not least, these articles as compared to many others which I previously considered using in my paper were very much easier to comprehend and were not tediously boring and lengthy. Through my research online I also found that these two articles had been cited by several other individuals as part of their efforts to further explain and develop on the stakeholder and legitimacy theories.
Section (ii)
|Criterion |Article Based on Legitimacy Theory |Article based on Stakeholder
References: Donaldson, T. and Preston, L. (1995) The Stakeholder Theory: Concepts, Evidence and Implications.Academy of Management Review, 20 (1), p.65-91. Edalys (2006) The Stakeholder Theory. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 17 April 2012]. (2012) Emerald | Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal information. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Apr 2012]. (2012) Refereed Articles - Oral Health Research Guide - LibGuides at University of Newcastle Library. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Apr 2012]. Wilmshurst, T. and Frost, G. (2012) Corporate environmental reporting: A test of legitimacy theory.Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 13 (1), p.10-26.