debatable fir years that there cannot be good without bad. The problem of evil is a very old point of view and few people know how they actually came to hold it. Part of the idea is that everything in existence must co-exist in some sort of balance. “before his conversion to Christianity Augustine belonged to the Manichean religion, a pagan cult that depicted the world as a battle ground between the perfectly good creator and the perfectly evil destroyer.”(). Augustine later began to investigate the ideas of the new Christianity religion, and he realized that an explanation of evil must be given or someone might think that god created evil too and so is partly evil as well as good. The problem of evil raises the most fundamental of metaphysics questions, what is existence? Greek philosophers contemplated this problem a lot being that nothingness is not a self-independent state. If this is so there must be something that exists. In fact, something cannot come from nothing so there must be something that always exists. God fits the ontological concerns by being the idea of a source that necessary and enteral to existence, it is hard to dispose of this insight. The laws of thermodynamics even have the basic idea that matter cannot be created nor desotyed. Evil however poses as a major problem for the picture of reality based on necessary being and how evil is usually associated with destruction and nothingness. Augustine sought to explain the idea of one ideal god being without evil. “all of nature therefore is good, since the creator of all nature is supremely good, but nature is not supremely and immutably good as is the creator of it.”() thus the good in created things can be diminished and matter how insignificant a thing may be the good which is nature cannot be destroyed without the thing itself being desotyed.
When something is corrupted, its corruption is an evil because it is so much a privation of the good. Whenever things are consumed by corruption not even the corruption remains for it is nothing to itself having no subsistent in which exist. From this it follows that there is no evil if there is no good. A good that does not have an evil aspect is perfectly good. Even if there is a little bit of evil in something its good turns out to be defective. Thus, leading to that there cannot be good without evil. Per the logical problem of evil, it is impossible for god and an evil being to coexist. If evil exist then god cannot exist, since evil exist it follows that god does not exist. The problem with this argument is that there’s no logically reason to think that god and evil are logically incompatible. Most atheists purpose that god cannot have a morally sufficient reason to allow all the evils we have in the world. But this assumption is not true. For if it is possible that god has morally suffient reasons for evil to exist then it follows that god and evil are able to co-exist, and that does seem logically possible. The populistic problem of evil according to this problem the “ co-existence of god and
evil is logically possible but it is also highly improbable.” Given the evil in the world it Is highly improbable that god exisit. As finite persons, the human race is limited in time, space, inelegance and insight. The transcendent and sovering god sees the beining to the end and purposely orders history so that his purposed are perceived through humans free decisions. Even with that to achieve gods ends he may have to put up with evil throughout his plans. However the evils seem pointless to us and interfer with our limited framework it may just be apart of gods wider paintwork. The Christian faith entails doctorine that increases the probalitiy of th e co exisitance of god and evil. Of course weather gods purpose is achoved through our suffering will depemd on our response. Should we respond to god with anger and bitternes or turn to him in faith for strangeth to endure. The true purpose of life is not happiness but to gain the knowledge of god. Among multiple reaons the problem of evil is so confusing for us is because some tend to think if god exisit then his goal would be happiness for humans. From a Christian point of view the human race is not gods pets and mens end in this world is not happieness but to gain knowledge of god which will alter bring them fillfilment in haven. Mankind tends to be in a state of nature which tends to be reblios to god and his ideas. Instead of submitting to worship god people wpuld rather go their own way and they end up alienated to god. The terrible evils in the world are testimonys to mans depravity in the state of spritiual alienation from god. The Christian is not to be suroised by the human evil in the world however he Is to expect it. The holy bible says that god has given mankind over to the sin it has chosen, which he is to not interfear with god lets humanity run its course. The kowneldge of god spills over into enternal life. From the chrisitan pont of view this life is not all there is. Jesus promised enternal life to all of those who place thre trust in him as the savior and lord jesus Christ. The knowledge of god is an incommensurable good. To know god as the souce of all goodness and love, is an incomparable good, to the fullifilment of human existance. The suffering of his life annot even be compared to it god is supposed to be good simply by virutue. These four Christian docrines greatly reduce any probability which evil would seem to throw the existnace of god. There are many differanet versions to th argument from evil claims that there is some fact concering the evil in the world such that the existance of god, ehich is to be understood as at least a very powerful very knowledgeable, and very morally very good person, is either logically precluded or unlikely of the fact. Versions of the problem of evil arguemtns often differ signicicsntly due to what th erevlenat fact is. The evidential form shows that given the evil in the world it is improbable that there is an omnipotent, omsicincit, and wholly good god. This version of the problem trys to show that the exsitnace of evil, however logically consistent with the existnace of god it counts or lowers the probablility of the truth of theism. Both absolute versions and relative versions of the evidential peoblems of evil are there exist instances of intense suffering which an omnipotent, omiscinst being could have prevented and that gratuitous evil exsist. The problem of evil has even extended beyond human suffering to include animals, multiple dieases and animal curlety. One problem for animals is suffering the nature evil such as the violence faced by predator and orey everyday out in the wild, natural disaster and the history of natural evolution. This is also refered to the Charles dariwain problem of evil. The second aspecgt of evil applied to animals is avoidable suffering experocanced by them. Some cruelty from human beatings such as dog fights and when aniamsl are to be taken to or fed out at the salauder house. The problem of evil in the context of animal suffering can be stated as, the evil of extensive animal suffering exisit, and god can necessarily actualized and evolve a perfect world. Response to the problem of evil have occaslionally been classicifed as theodicies. A theodicy is more imbitous since its attempts to provide a clear jusitification or molroaly sufficant enough reason. Some authors see arguments appealing to demons or the fall of men. In each arugument for the problem of evil the claim of god would not want to do harm to the world he crated is supported by his appeal to nature. The problem of evil is sometimes explained as everyones free will which was an ablitlity that god gave us as humans on earth. Free will can be a good or basd thing , with free will also comes the potential for immorall activity such as abuse. “sometimes people with free will deicede to cause suffering to others just because they can.”(Boyd). It is they who choose to cause harm not god. The free will argument basically states that it would be logically inconsistent for god to prevent evil by curtailing free will because there woukd no longer be any free will. Thus this explination does not completely address the problem of evil because some suffering and evil is not a result of cocious choice, but is the result of natural cuase or ignorance. The assumption that the all perfect all good god would create a world with free beings and he would stop suffering and evil, but that is ni=ot true. “In the second century Christian theologist attempted to reconcile th eporblem of evil with an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent god by denying that evil exisit. Another theodoicy offered a more modern version of the “deny evil” suggestd by chrsitian sicence where the perception of evil is defined by a form of illustrartion. The early version of this explination was called the privation theory of evil named this because it is described as a form of loss or privation. One of the eslierst factors of this version stated that “ god is completely good, he could not have created evil, but if god could not create evil then it cannot exisit.”(). Evil exisit as a negavitve or as a lack of good. “ clemnts idea was cirisitxed for its inalbility to explain suffering in the world, if evil does not exisit.”(). This verison has been crititzed , but it neither addresses the issue from the theoretical’so of view nor from the experinetla point of view.scholars who cirtitize this theory staete that murder, rape, terror, pain, and suffering are al real life events t