Throughout the semester, I looked up Leela Alcorn’s suicide and viewed news sources ranging from CNN to the Guardian. By keeping in mind the events of the tragedy I was easily able to deduce the sexual theorist most likely to deliver the most insight of this event, Judith Butler. However actually organizing and undertaking the task of crafting the essay for the case study was only started two weeks prior to when the assignment was due; however, I felt that 2 weeks was more than enough time in order to construct a proper essay. I like to think I constructed a proper essay within this time frame.
I would say my own curiosity regarding sexuality played a huge role in which theorist I picked. Due to the modern idea of categories and suppression in a modern society, …show more content…
By Leela’s parents denying her the right to possess the category of a female, Leela’s self esteem plummeted in which caused her to take her own life. Another new understanding of this would be how transgender groups actually may be submitting to the whelm of society and may actually be doing transgender individuals more harm than good. Prior to completing the case study in never appeared to me that LGBT groups might in some eyes be detrimental to LGBT individuals. By grouping people into categories, the LGBT activist may actually be conforming to a society, perhaps an oppressive