Abstract This study determined the effectiveness of lemon grass and baby oil mixture as insect (mosquito) repellant. The effectiveness of lemon grass and baby oil mixture as insect (mosquito) repellant was tested by a It was hypothesized that lemon grass and baby oil mixture was effective like insect repellant. The result of our project suggests that we can make repellant out of lemon grass and baby oil mixture that is effective and affordable. Procedure Material: Lemon grass mortar and pestle Baby oil 2 containers screen
Preparing for observation:
1. Gather all materials needed for investigation.
2. Put the insects inside the container.
3. Cover the top with screen.
4. Put same lemon grass in the mortar.
5. Pound it with a pestle.
6. Put it into an empty container.
7. Use it before going out and before going to sleep.
Significant of the study: Common people: This study will beneficial especially to those who are in rural community because they can use lemon grass and baby oil mixture as insect (mosquito) repellant. Lemon grass and baby oil mixture is common in most houses and people can make use of it in other purpose aside from cooking and personal body care it can also save money.
Scope and Limitation: This study investigation is focused on the effectiveness of insect (mosquito) repellant from lemon grass and baby oil mixture. This investigatory project was conducted at residence of Mary Margrette at Brgy. Carmelo, Banate , Iloilo on the month of September 1, 2014. The investigations tested their project on their siblings.
Statement of the problem: It is really effective to make insect repellant without any mixture of chemicals.
Hypothesis: Based on the stated problem, it was hypothesized that the lemon grass and baby oil mixture can indeed be an effective insect (mosquito) repellant.
Background of the study: June to