April 23, 2013
Lemonade Day Final Reflection
On April 11th, I went to Lafayette Recreation Center to teach 4th and 5th graders about the Lemonade Day. However, the beginning of our trip was not that satisfying. For some reasons, our bus was not prepared that our team had to wait almost an hour in the sun to figure out what we can do. Some students from our team decided to take a cab to arrive on time to keep our promise with children and the others had to go by deans’ cars. Because we were in a car, a small place, we not only discussed about the Lemonade Day but also was able to get to know each other deeply. Luckily, our team was able to Lafayette Recreation Center on time safely. As planned, our team was divided into four different small groups to teach children effectively. Four small groups rotated to teach different children with different materials. After teach children successfully, we were able to get back to school on a bus. In the bus, we discussed about what we liked or disliked about teaching children and how it differed from what we imagined.
The best part of the experience was to hear about what children would do with they money they collect. What I assumed to hear was that they would buy there shoes, clothes, toys or other objects that they can please themselves; however, what I heard the most was saving money and helping poor people. It was so kind of them that they are not using money for their pleasure but to use them meaningfully.
On the other hand, there was also worst part of the experience. Children seemed as if they were not as excited as I was. Before I went to the recreation center, I was so excited to teach children about the Lemonade Day and I thought they were also enthusiastic to learn about the Lemonade Day. However, some girls were trying to outcast a girl and boys were busy playing with each other. The place was unsettled and it was hard for them to make focus. Because we had to spend time to make them pay