Background of the Study
Business fields undeniably require computer assistance to perform complex and tiresome works. By utilizing computer systems, time, effort and resources could be saved, conflicts could be lessened, and productivity increased. This subsequently enhances the quality and quantity of work done compared to the existing records management system.
Records management is the process of ensuring the proper creation, maintenance, use and disposal of records to achieve efficient, transparent and accountable governance. Sound records management implies that records are managed in terms of an organizational records management program governed by an organizational record management policy (NARS, 2010).
A Lending Monitoring is a process of automatic computations of the loans, helps the company to organize their files which lessen the time being consumed by means of using a database, updating, recording and securing the files and record of the clients with regards to their loans provides a more convenient way of handling the required procedures or methods in the company (Mr. Virgilio C. Oilila, 2005) In this period, managing data not records was the objectives, and archivists dealing with this information were known as data archivists. Overall, record keeping practices in the early decades of automation were not radically different from techniques employed for paper records. In a system where the basic strategy was to convert paper forms to an automated environment, where paper file management systems predominated, and where systems were characterized by functional units creating and managing their own files in isolation from other applications, it was possible to devise a records management strategy based on capturing screen views or forms and converting them to paper documents. In this environment, methodologies designed for the management of papers systems still have relevance (Cook, 2002).
A database is an organized