Lenovo - For Those Who Do
PGP-II Term-5 AY-11-12
Date of Submission: 20th September 2011
Submitted by:
Team: Three4All
Jaipal Charan| p10jaipalc@iimidr.ac.in | +918085722442
Rahil Maniyar | p10rahilm@iimidr.ac.in | +917879278890
Sandeep Kumar | p10sandeepk@iimidr.ac.in | +919752830949
Executive Summary 2 Situation analysis 4 Industry 5 Competitor Analysis 5 Market Developments 7 Organization 8 Consumer Understanding 9 Proposed Strategies 10 The Key Strategy 11 Executional Ideas for Communication 12 Market leader positioning strategies 12 Social Media Strategy 12 Jive and chat them at work 14 Pull users to Lenovo’s Digital Platform 15 Partner with MTV 16 Launch a global competition under the brand ‘The Lenovo brain’ 17 Promoting Lenovo by partnering with Pepsi 19 Lenovo experience 20 For Rural areas 20 Global Strategy 21 Execution plan for communicating an ecosystem/convergence 22 Lenovo Culture 22 Ideas for youth of key markets 23 Marketing/Media Plan 24 Measuring Marketing Investments’ Effectiveness 28 Measuring effectiveness at different levels of campaign 28 Techniques to measure effectiveness 29 Hybrid Level Marketing Plan 31
Executive Summary
Present scenerio
In an attempt to drawing business strategies to strengthen the position of Lenovo as a brand for youth and further strengthen its position in emerging economies, the market factors, Lenovo’s internal strengths and consumer perception about Lenovo and preferences among all competitors are studied. Market factors include industry analysis, competitor analysis and recent market developments that may affect/influence Lenovo’s position/market share. The single most important strategy is chosen based on parameters such as positioning, how well market developments are capitalized upon, fit with the organization’s capabilities, Financial