There are many benefits of CPOE such as reducing medical errors related to medication orders and also help improve healthcare outcomes for the patients. Another benefit of the CPOE system is that it's alert physician patient's drug allergies and current medications which help them provide the effective help they need for that patient. A study found that “processing a prescription medication order through CPOE lowered the chance of an error occurring on that order by 48%. The authors of the study projected, based on the degree of CPOE implementation when the study was conducted, that 17.4 million medical errors could be avoided in the U.S. in one year” (What is computerized physician order entry CPOE,
There are many benefits of CPOE such as reducing medical errors related to medication orders and also help improve healthcare outcomes for the patients. Another benefit of the CPOE system is that it's alert physician patient's drug allergies and current medications which help them provide the effective help they need for that patient. A study found that “processing a prescription medication order through CPOE lowered the chance of an error occurring on that order by 48%. The authors of the study projected, based on the degree of CPOE implementation when the study was conducted, that 17.4 million medical errors could be avoided in the U.S. in one year” (What is computerized physician order entry CPOE,