Leonardo Da Vinci and
The Last Supper during the
Renaissance Period
February 14, 2010
The Renaissance period is known as a period of the rebirth of Greek ideas. The works of this time were more individualized and the artists had more artistic freedom then were allowed in the Medieval or Middle Ages. One of the greatest individuals of the Renaissance time period was Leonardo Da Vinci. Not only was Da Vinci a great artist, he was also the best in many fields other than art. “Leonardo is often viewed as the archetype of the "Renaissance Man" because of his expertise and interest in many different areas, including art, science, music, mechanics, the arts of war, politics, philosophy, and nearly every other subject that mattered” (Wikibooks, 2010). One of the most famous paintings created by Leonardo Da Vinci is The Last Supper.
Explanation of Philosophy The Renaissance era which followed the Middle Ages brought about a new way of thinking. In the Middle Ages, “it was believed that the universe was hierarchical, organic, and God-ordained. To the philosophers of the Renaissance, it was pluralistic, machinelike, and mathematically ordered. In the Middle Ages, scholars thought in terms of purposes, goals, and divine intentions; in the Renaissance, they thought in terms of forces, mechanical agencies, and physical causes (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2010). There was a renewed interest in healthy doubting, questioning and experimentation.
Fundamental tenets of philosophy The Renaissance brought the belief that fresh and natural beauty is not a sin but an expression of the divine order (Plumb, 1961). The acceptance of the nude body had artists painting more individuals without clothing. The Renaissance brought about the rebirth of art and learning. There was a revival of interest in philosophy, an upsurge of healthy doubting and questioning and experimentation (Levinger, 1962). The Renaissance
References: Capra, F. (2007). The science of Leonardo. New York, NY: Doubleday. Encyclopedia Britannica. (2010). Western philosophy. Retrieved February 10, 2010, from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1350843/Western-philosophy. Gray, A. (2007). The influence of DaVinci and Michelangelo. Retrieved February 2, 2010 from http://quazen.com/arts/art-history/the-influences-of-da-vinci-and-michelangelo/. Levinger, E. (1962). Leonardo Davinci. New York, NY: Julian Messner, Inc. Pedretti, C. (2004). Leonardo Da Vinci. Surrey, United Kingdom: TAJ Books. Plumb, J. (1961). The horizon book of the Renaissance. New York, NY: American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc. Renaissancefellowship. (2008). Art during the Renaissance. Retrieved on February 2, 2010 from http://www.renaissancefellowship.org/2008/08/04/art-renaissance-2/ Vallentin, A. (1938). Leonardo Da Vinci. New York, NY: The Viking Press.