Leonidas was a tough king and a tough warrior, it's not identified
Leonidas was a tough king and a tough warrior, it's not identified
The Spartans were given command of the united Greek forces during the time of the Persian wars as they were seen as the more powerful military force in Greece. This was the first and last time throughout Greek history that would see the entire Greek world united (Brunt 1953). The Spartans upon hearing word that the Persians were advancing again decided against sending their entire army as it would’ve been seen as sacrilegious due to the Olympic festival being held at the same time. They realised that doing nothing would not be acceptable so they sent a small expedition led by Leonidas one of its kings, to block the pass until the festival was over and the main army could arrive to back them up. According to Herodotus the army led by Leonidas was also sent in the hopes to rally several of the other allied states into joining them in the defence. Leonidas himself believed that due to a prophecy the Spartans had received from the Oracle of Delphi (Rawlinson 1942 [7.220]) that he was going to die in this battle and thus was prepared to do so from the start. The courage and honor shown by the Spartans and its king leading up to the battle are worthy of mention, but the battle that followed is also an important part of the celebration in itself.…
He fought for his people and to protect others. () However, Achilles was indeed strong, but he was very selfish. () Both were great heroes, but in various ways.…
Imagine being taken away from your family and your home when you were just seven years old. The Spartans may have built one of the finest militaries of the ancient world, but their culture was so harsh that the word “Spartan” has become synonymous with an austere way of life. Spartan society was carefully constructed around a strict moral code and sense of duty, and its people underwent extreme hardships and deprivation on their way to becoming accepted as full citizens. It is with this cruel way of life that lead to the greatest, hardest, and most disciplined warrior 's who ever existed in the ancient world.…
How do the heros of our time compare to the heros of the past? When comparing Odysseus, a legendary hero from Homer’s The Odyssey, to Derick Mitchell, a veteran of the army, we can see many similarities and differences. Some similarities include their roles as leaders and their waiting families back home. However, there are many major differences that far outshadow them, like the differences in the technology available and their motives for doing certain things in war. There are many trivial similarities between Odysseus and Mr. Mitchell, but their overwhelming differences far outshine these negligible comparisons.…
Sparta was an important part of Greece during the Archaic and Classical periods. Sparta was famous for the sheer power and strength of its military. Spartan hoplites (high-ranking soldiers) were professionally trained and sported distinctive red cloaks, long hair, and the lambda-emblazoned shields. Spartan warriors were among the most feared fighters in all of Greece. They fought with distinction at battles such as Thermopylae and Plataea in the early 5th century BCE. In Greek mythology, the founder of Sparta was Lacedaemon, a supposed “son of Zeus.”…
Achilles is the greatest warrior in the Greek army, and like any exemplary hero, he is resolute and possesses incredible strength and toughness. Nevertheless, his numerous disagreeable traits overshadow his few agreeable ones. He is merciless, indignant, selfish, and vindictive. To…
Honor and glory are central to the Greek character. Since heroes are the essence of the society from which they come from, Greek heroes live their lives according to honor and glory, in all kinds of varied forms. Both traits trigger a magnificent war that takes the lives of numerous men, and shapes its development at every stage. The fall of Troy is “a thing… whose glory shall perish never (Homer, Iliad 2.324)”. The goal of the Greeks is fame that is never ending and lastly even after death, and they let nothing bar their way. The honor of the individual, family, and community guide every action…
However the agoge was not the first step in selecting boys to become fierce warriors, these boys were in fact selected at birth by the Spartan elders, their future as a Spartan solider already planned from their day of birth. Babies found unfitting or with impurities were exposed to the elements on mount tagetus and left to die. This shows the high importance of the army and the control and the control it had over the spartiates life from their day of birth.…
Do you have a hero? I have a hero and that is Odysseus. But who is Odysseus, he was a hero in Homers epic and not only that but was also one of the greatest heroes who fought in the Trojan war. Odysseus was a very smart man because he created a plan that would destroy the city of troy so the Trojan war could end. he encountered many different things on his way back home to Ithaca. Where he left his wife for more than 10 years. Odysseus ruled Ithaca so it was very important for him to go back home with his people. Odysseus had courage, strength was wise,wonderful leader/commander but also had desire to end war and go back to his people. This makes Odysseus an honorable hero.…
In Homer's epic, The Iliad, there are many great characters, both mortal and immortal. However, no characters seem to match the greatness and importance of Achilles, the mightiest of the Greeks and Hector, Trojan prince and mightiest of the Trojans. Although they are the mightiest of their forces, their attitudes and motives for the Greek-Trojan war are completely different.…
The Spartan Soldiers all had been trained since a very young age how to kill a man. Their society made all men when they turned 20 join the army. They were expert fighters and intelligent scholars. They’re armor was made of bronze and woods and was much better than the weapons of the Persians.Woman were also trained in combat, but not for war. Their society believed that woman should be strong so they would have strong and healthy children. If a baby was not believed to be healthy or had a physical ailment, the baby would be killed. The Spartans were also very religious. The Oracle of Delphi was the most important shrine of Greece. Leonidas consulted the Oracle before he went into battle.…
The training regiments and social structure of the Spartans were geared towards building the strongest men and nation physically, but without the artistic and political training, the warriors or Sparta were unable to bring the Grecian empire together. History remembers so much from the philosophy teachings of Socrates and the Athenian paintings, dishes, and sculptures, but little is remembered about the other superpower in Greece and of the warriors of Sparta.…
In Homer’s book the “Iliad” lays an epic conflict between a man and his inner self that ultimately leads to great loss on a wider scale and not just to himself. Achilles is a man with a superpower but has a severe problem when his ego is insulted. Achilles is driven by rage and anger and will do everything in his power to seek vengeance on anyone whom gets in the way of his pride whether it is friend or foe. One might argue whether Achilles is an epic hero but this answer lies within the reader. Achilles is one man who has the greatest fighting abilities as well as the greatest military prowess of any of the Achaean ranks. The only downfall for Achilles is that his inner force is driven by rage and proves to be devastating to his Achaean comrades.…
Alexander the Great is without a doubt one of the most prominent military strategists of all time. His name is forever forged in history books along with other great leaders as Gengis Khan, Atilla the Hut and Tamerlane. The appellation of “Great” bestowed on him is clearly justified simply by his deeds. Between 334 and 323 BCE, he was able to defeat four different armies traveling 17,000 miles to accomplish this feat. Alexander’s the Great’s accomplishments have become a measure which military leaders have long tried to compare themselves against.…
Leonidas’s heart lurched, and he scrambled up from his repose on the cave floor. He and Leksander had made a pact—whoever went wyvern first, the other would end it quickly. And now his brother was winging toward him, a silver bullet come to end his torment. Leonidas was ready... although his heart was pounding out of his chest at the site. Despite hours of trying to effect his death on his own, the prospect of it winging toward him charged him anew. His tail swished the cave behind him, and his blood rushed in his ears.…