Less than Functional
HCS 433
December 23, 2013
Less than Functional
System integration
Wilhelm Ostwald (n.d.) once said, “In specific circumstances the period of aging decline can set in earlier in a particular organ than in the organism as a whole which, in a certain general or theoretical sense, is left a cripple or invalid”. As a person ages biology and environment can have a variety of affects on the systems of the body, including loss of functionality. The systems of the human body are interconnected, therefore inability of an organ or tissue to function in one system can directly impact the functionality of another system. This makes the body more …show more content…
susceptible to illness, disease, accidents, and additional time to recover (Foos & Clark, 2008).
The medical term for biological, chemical, and physical changes of aging is known as senescence. Loss of function into downward spiral
As the University of Phoenix (2013) HCS 433 syllabus states, “Often, a loss of function will begin a so-called downward spiral in the life of an elderly person, affecting his or her independence and quality of life” (p. 4). This statement is both significant and valid for the aging population, however one key factor can determine the extent of the downward spiral: attitude.
How one mentally accepts the physical and biological changes contributes to the success of senescence (Foos & Clark, 2008). When working with the elderly it is important to address their functionality on various levels, such as physical, intellectual, social, occupational, spiritual, environmental, and financial. A decrease in capacity at any of these levels may require additional social support from family, friends, or caregivers.
Mind over matter
It has been said that the mind is the first thing to go, but many elderly people would argue that they notice physical changes long before they lose mental faculties. Misplacing an item …show more content…
or being unable to recall a phone number is not a sign of loss of memory, but is merely forgetfulness and can happen to anyone at any age. There are differences in the normal agerelated memory changes and those that are signs of Alzheimer’s of Dementia where brain cells deteriorate and die off. The Mayo Clinic (2013) states that being unable to find a pair of glasses or inability to recall a name or having to make to-do lists are not changes that prevent independent living. Dementia is a broad term often used for describing impairments in thinking skills like language, reasoning, judgment, and memory that effect relationships, ability to work, and social interactions (Mayo Clinic, 2013). Any disease process like Alzheimer’s or Vascular
Dementia that causes increasing damage to the brain results in the full spectrum of dementia.
A diminished competence in thinking skills can cause an elderly person to forget to lock doors, leave the stove on, remember directions (if still driving), or even wonder away from their home. Not being able to complete everyday functions like bathing, taking medications, and eating meals has adverse effects on biological functions in the body. Although the person and their organs are chronologically the same age, the organs biologically age different rates (Foos &
Clark, 2008).
Renal system function
The primary function of the kidneys is to filter and chemically balance the blood removing any waste. Kidney disease can be a result of heredity, diabetes, high blood pressure, or traumatic injury, but is most commonly a slow loss of renal function over many years. By the time a person reaches their early 70’s kidneys decrease 20 to 30 percent in size and volume this
can lead to kidney disease (Foos & Clark, 2008). Should loss of kidney function, also known as renal function, reach 25% other serious health problems become a concern. Kidney disease can be a result of heredity, diabetes, high blood pressure, or traumatic injury, but is most commonly a slow loss of renal function over many years. The U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services (2012) found that “when kidney function drops below 10 to 15 percent, a person needs some form of renal replacement therapy—either blood-cleansing treatments called dialysis or a kidney transplant-to sustain life” (p.
2). An elderly person with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is at a greater risk for stroke or heart attack.
Brain and heart functions
The higher propensity for stroke is not limited to elderly; however because many adults are living longer there is an increased probability of more than one health condition. Stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted either by blockage or rupture a blood vessels carrying blood full of fresh oxygen and nutrients (Health in Aging, 2012). There are two types of stroke, the most common, Ischemic stroke the result of a blockage by a blood clot; and
Hemorrhagic stroke is when a blood vessel to the brain hemorrhages leaking blood into the brain
(Health in Aging, 2012). Ischemic strokes can occur from a clot coming from the heart after a heart attack because of the damage previously sustained from high blood pressure. Irregular heart rhythms known as arterial fibrillation (A-Fib) can also cause clots that end in
Health in Aging (2012) states that the location of the stroke influences the disability and to what degree. The effects of a stroke might include memory deficiencies, difficulty speaking, weakening or even paralysis of muscles in the face and extremities – commonly on just one side which increases fall risks, and withdrawal from social situations. Physical and occupational
rehabilitation is helpful regain muscle strengthen and re-learn skills if stroke effects do not remedy themselves; however loss of function can be permanent.
Heart attack caused by Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is the most common, and according to Health in Aging (2013), the leading cause of death for both men and woman. Again, heart attack does occur only in elderly populations, but because often there is more than one morbidity likelihood increases. CAD is a consequence of plaque buildup in the arteries causing narrowing and stiffening, thus impeding blood flow (Health in Aging, 2012). Foos and Clark
(2008) found that 27.9% of people over age 65 suffer from some form of heart disease and the older the person the greater the possibility of death after a heart attack. Recovery from a heart attack prevents a person from functioning the same way might once have. A heart healthy diet removes bad fats and cholesterol, reduces sodium, and adds lean proteins. Rehabilitation like cardiopulmonary exercise, at the recommendation of a physician, helps to regain strength and achieve a healthy weight.
What happens to the body
As one ages it is likely that many physical and sensory change will transpire. The body naturally slows, but that does not indicate that it is not useful. Appearances can change to show age spots on the skin or wrinkles in the face, but each wrinkle tells a story from that person’s life.
The ears may not hear so well or the eyes might not see as clearly as younger eyes, but that is why hearing aids and glasses exist. The body may ache and bones might snap, crackle, and pop, but that just means it takes a few extra minutes to get moving. When a person experiences senescence it is important to have social support allowing one to adapt as best as possible so that needs are still met and a sense of independence can be felt.
These are only a few of the effects of aging. Every elderly person is unique contingent upon genetics and lifestyle choices during aging, nonetheless it is easy to see how quickly a single health concern can spiral into many more. The human body does not function autonomously, but rather each system collaborates with the others. In the same way that positive reinforcement achieves positive results, Foos and Clark (2008) maintain that attitudes toward aging govern the outcomes. Fear of aging, sense of isolation, and developing health concerns often shape the negative attitudes about becoming old.
Threatening freedom
Functional problems that elderly face often threaten the opportunity of independent living. Many underlying conditions of disease processes create limitations with mobility and increase risk of falls, intellectual impairments, incontinence, or malnutrition that can form safety concerns when elderly are no longer capable of being self-sufficient. In a study by Greiner,
Snowdon, and Schmitt (1996) cognitive ability has a direct correlation with incidence of risk for activities of daily living. Participants in the first study with low normal cognitive function show an increase in excess risk for loss of independence; and the participants with higher cognitive functions express lower risk in losing independence (Greiner, Snowdon, & Schmitt, 1996).
Additional research of the effects of physical loss and cognitive function as it relates to particular biological and environmental elements is advantageous.
In conclusion, biological, chemical, and physical changes as one ages are inevitable; how a person prepares for, and subsequently handles those changes is a determining factor for the overall well-being and longevity. Negative attitudes towards such changes yield less favorable outcomes that often times initiate a loss of function leading to loss of independence. Healthy
eating, physical activity, and a positive attitude go a long way for the functional well-being of the aging population.
Foos, P. W., & Clark, M. C. (2008). Human aging. (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn &
Bacon, Pearson.
Goodenough, G.K., & Lutz, L.J. (1987). Loss of function in the frail elderly. A method for determining the underlying causes. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, 82(4), 75-80; 85.
Greiner, P. A., Snowdon, D. A., & Schmitt, F. A. (1996). The loss of independence in activities of daily living: The role of low normal cognitive function in elderly nuns. American
Journal of Public Health, 86(1), 62-66.
Health in Aging. (2012). Aging & health A to Z: Stroke. Retrieved from http://www.healthinaging.org/aging-and-health-a-to-z/topic:stroke/ Mayo Clinic. (2013). Alzheimer's disease in-depth. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/alzheimers-disease/DS00161/TAB=indepth Ostwald, W. (n.d.). Brainy Quote. Retrieved from http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/aging_3.html Puchta, C., & Fitzwater, E. (2011). Aging & function: Examining impact on daily living.
Retrieved from http://nursing.uc.edu/content/dam/nursing/docs/CFAWD/LookCloserSeeMe/Module%202_GDS T_Reference%20Guide.pdf
University of Phoenix. (2013). Syllabus. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, HCS 433 website. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). The kidneys and how they work. Retrieved from http://kidney.niddk.nih.gov/kudiseases/pubs/yourkidneys/#renal