Lesson 2
1.The general theroy for regulating the practice of law involves giving legal advice to clients, drafting legal documents for clients, and representing clients in legal negotiations and court proceedings such as lawsuits.
It is applied to the professional services of a lawyer or attorney at law, barrister, solicitor, or civil law notary.
2.It is unaurthorized because practice of law means “providing legal advice or service to or for another by” perparing documents, taling to the people and leting them know their legal rights and more. Also if you are not licensed to practice law and pretend you are.
5. A paralegal can avoid UPL by not lieing about being qualified and say he or she is a paralegal not attorney. They can also not give advice with out making appointment and doing the apporpate paperwork. There are so many ways to avoid UPL
6. All states have different actions they take to protect the public from unathorized pratice of law. In Pennsyvania it is a misdaeanor, say on page 42 “Although each state is free to define the practice of law diffrently, the statues have certain elements in common.”
7. The paralegals should be familiar with the ABA model of professional conduct because paralegal need to cunduct as professional and resposnable just like attorney does.
10. Yes, there would be a conflict of interest because of the loyalty they have for that person that’s why that are not aloud to represent a loved one or a friend.
11. Privileged communicatioin was created because it gives wife and husband, clergy and communicant, psychotherapist and patient, physician and patient, and attorney and client time to talk about the case but it may not be used as evidence.
1. “The practice of law” clearly does not just mean appearing in court. It means give leagal advice and councel, and the preparation of legal instruments and contracts by whitch legal rights are secured.
2. This court imposed attorney’s standard to a