● clam (claim) to cry out
● fer to bear; carry
● lev to lift; light(in weight)
● lud, lus to play; to mock
● misc to mix
● mort death ● omn(i) all ● semi half; part
● sen old ● string; strict (strain) to draw tight
● torqu; tort to twist
● vert; vers to torn Branching Out 1. levity; buoyancy, lightness
2. miscible; capable of being mixed
3. omnibus; covering many things at once
4. mortuary; funeral home
5. tortuous; winding
6. senescent; beginning to show signs of old age
7. adversary; opponent
8. allude; to hint at
9. clamorous; vociferous
10. semicentennial; every 50 year
11. conference; consultation
12. stringent; rigid, restricted
Words in Progress 1. anniversary: ann (year) + vers (to turn)
2. omnipotent: omni (all) + tent (to hold)
3. mortify: mort (death) + fy (to make or do)
4. vociferous: voc (to call; voice) + fer (to carry)
5. semiannual: semi (half, party) + ann (year) Words in Action 1. The doctor prescribed a medication to alleviate his arthritis.
2. Once more the elusive jewelry thief had slipped by the police.
3. Semisweet chocolate is an important ingredient in the fudge recipe.
4. A good book is a pleasant diversion on long summer evenings.
5. One who desires to be a contortionist should have a rubbery body and think like a pretzel. 6. The novel had an omniscient narrator who knew everyone thoughts.
7. Wearing blue jeans, Helen was mortified to learn the luncheon was formal.