Lesson: Modern Japan
Core Content:
SS-HS-1.1.1 Students will compare and contrast (purposes, sources of power) various forms of government in the world (e.g., monarchy, democracy, republic, dictatorship) and evaluate how effective they have been in establishing order, providing security and accomplishing common goals. DOK 3
SS-HS-2.1.1 Students will explain how belief systems, knowledge, technology and behavior patterns define cultures and help to explain historical perspectives and events in the modern world (1500 A.D. to present) and United States (Reconstruction to present). DOK 2
SS-HS-2.2.1 Students will explain how various human needs are met through interaction in and among social institutions (e.g., family, religion, education, government, economy) in the modern world (1500 A.D. to present) and the United States (Reconstruction to present).
SS-HS-2.3.1 Students will explain the reasons why conflict and competition (e.g., violence, difference of opinion, stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, genocide) may develop as cultures emerge in the modern world (1500 A.D. to present) and the United States (Reconstruction to present). DOK 2
SS-HS-2.3.2 Students will explain and give examples of how compromise and cooperation are characteristics that influence interaction (e.g., peace studies, treaties, conflict resolution) in the modern world (1500 A.D. to present) and the United States (Reconstruction to present). DOK 2
SS-HS-3.4.2 Students will describe and give examples of how factors such as technological change, investments in capital goods and human capital/resources have increased productivity in the world. DOK 2
SS-HS-4.2.1 Students will interpret how places and regions serve as meaningful symbols for individuals and societies (e.g., Jerusalem, Vietnam Memorial, Ellis Island, the Appalachian region).
SS-HS-4.2.4 Students will explain how people from different cultures with different perspectives view regions