Duration: 1hr and 30mins Grade 8M
Topic: Understanding a novel- My Father Sun- Sun Johnson * Characterization and Setting
N.B. This lesson was not taught as teacher and students read through chapter one and two; making note of specific terms and unfamiliar terms and expressions.
General Objective: To further develop students understanding of prose.
Specific Objectives: Students should be able to:
1. read chapter 2 and 3 outside of class 2. discuss the character of Sun-Sun Johnson, Jake Hibbertson, Rami and Rami’s mother 3. compare Jake Hibbertson and Sun-Sun Johnson 4. describe and differentiate between River Bottom and Robin Hill 5. write a letter to Rami about his decision
About the author
C. Everard Palmer was born in Jamaica and lived there until a few years ago, when he moved to Canada. His childhood was spent in just such a village as Kendal, lived in by the kind of people who fill the pages of this book. All his stories have been inspired by memories of his childhood and though the people and incidents he describes are imaginary they could easily have been real.
Summary of My Father Sun-Sun Johnson
Sun-Sun Johnson enjoys life. He has enjoyed starting at the bottom and working hard to become the biggest landowner in the village. He enjoys being married to an elegant, out-of-the-ordinary woman, and he loves his three children. But he doesn’t enjoy keeping up a position; he can’t be bothered to be dignified or to keep a look out for scroungers – he aims to be generous, whatever the cost. The cost proves to be the loss of his fortune, his home, and his wife to his greatest rival. Only his eldest son, Rami, remains faithful, and together they start again, from the bottom. Set, like all Everard Palmer’s previous stories, in Jamaica, this book combines an irresistible gaiety of style with a sensitive understanding of the relationship between a father and son.
Task and Activities:
1. Students will add to their prediction table. They will write ‘What actually happened?’ in chapter 1 and make predictions for chapter 2.
|Chapters no. |What might happen |What actually happened |
|1. The Blow |Something bad happens to someone |Sun-Sun Johnson lost his property and|
| | |had to move from Robin Hill to River |
| | |Bottom. |
|2. | | |
|3. | | |
|4. | | |
2. Students and teacher will read chapter 3 and 4. The characters met in chapter 1 and developed in 2 and 3 will be discussed in detailed and notes given on each. Focus will be on Rami, the narrator.
3. Students will be asked to discuss the difference between Robin Hill and River Bottom. A short description will be written.
4. Students will share how they would react if they should experience a similar situation as Rami and Sun-Sun Johnson. They will then write a letter to Rami telling him if they think hid decision to stay with his father was a good or a bad one.
English Language October 1-5, 2012
Duration: 2hrs and 30mins Grade 8M
Topic: *Adjectives *Antonyms and Synonyms
General Objective: To develop students’ ability to understand parts of speech
Specific Objectives: Students should be able to:
1. define adjectives 2. discuss and state the different types of adjectives 3. identify common and proper adjectives in sentences given 4. distinguish between words that can function as a noun or adjective. 5. form adjectives with nouns given. 6. Find synonyms and synonyms for adjectives given 7. explain limiting adjectives; definite and indefinite article 8. complete sentences with the appropriate limiting adjectives
Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. The Articles — a, an, and the — are adjectives. • the tall professor • the lugubrious lieutenant • a solid commitment • a month's pay • a six-year-old child • the unhappiest, richest man
• Proper adjectives are derived from proper nouns. They commonly describe something in terms of nationality, religious affiliation, or culture. Like proper nouns, proper adjectives have their first letter capitalized. Some examples of proper adjectives include:
• American French Japanese Latino Asia
Some words can be used as both nouns and adjectives.
Example: a. Ron extinguished the light. (Noun)
b. I could not find the light switch in the dark. (Adjective)
Tasks and Activities:
1. Teacher and students will participate in a whole group discussion on adjectives. The definition will be ascertained and examples provided.
2. Students will be given the words the table below to complete based on their previous knowledge:
Complete the following table by placing the respective type of adjective beside the common nouns given.
|Common Adjectives |Proper Adjectives |
|cheese |cheese |
|clock |clock |
|hillside |hillside |
|poodle |poodle |
|lamp |lamp |
3. Students will be sensitized to the fact that there are two classes of descriptive adjectives; proper and common. These will be discussed fully and examples given.
4. Students will be given ten sentences and they should identify the adjectives and say if they are common or proper.
Example sentences:
1. In the trunk, we found a red Spanish scarf. Ans. red – common; Spanish – proper
2. Beautiful grounds surround the old mansion. Ans. Beautiful, old – common
5. Students will be placed in pairs, they will be given these nouns to for adjectives:
a. Spain e. wind
b. Greece f. luck
c. Italy g. skill
d. Egypt h. wood
6. Students will be given two sentences where a word is used as a noun and one where it is used as an adjective. These will be discussed and other examples derived.
a. Ron extinguished the light. (Noun)
b. I could not find the light switch in the dark. (Adjective)
7. Teacher and students will discuss limiting adjectives and examples and activities will be done to reinforce this concept.