1. Electricity is the flow of electric charge (electrons). 2. Electric Charge is a property of subatomic particles. 3. Current is the movement of electric charge. 4. Voltage is the electric potential that exists to move a charge. 5. Power is the rate at which electric energy is flowing in a circuit. 6. Ohm’s Law: Power = Voltage x Current. 7. Resistance is a physical property that quantifies how well a charge can move through a material. 8. Ohm’s Law: Voltage = Current x Resistance. 9. Electric circuits provide a means to harness electrical energy and use it in our everyday lives. 10. Circuits require a voltage source to operate. 11. Circuits require a closed loop to operate; that is they need a path for the electric current to return to its source. 12. Circuits can be connected in either series or parallel. 13. Components connected in series have identical current, but different voltage. 14. Components connected in parallel have identical voltage, but different current.
Key Questions
1. What is electricity? 2. What are electric charge, current, voltage, and power, and how are they related? 3. Can current flow without a voltage source? 4. How does the resistance of a material determine how much electric current flows through it? 5. Will current flow through an open (disconnected) circuit? Why or why not? 6. What is the difference between series and parallel connections? 7. Where do we find electric circuits in our lives?
|Student Learning Objectives |Standards |
|Students will be able to explain how electric current flows in a circuit. |WYO 8.A.S.1.7, 11.A.S.1.7; |
| |Benchmarks 13 and 14 |