GENERAL INFORMATION Subject(s): Writing Topic or Unit of Study: Expository Writing Grade/Level: 3 Instructional Setting: The setting is in a classroom with the teacher at the front of the classroom and the students seated at their desks. The classroom is a 3rd grade class with 15 students. STANDARDS AND OBJECTIVES Your State Core Curriculum/Student Achievement Standard(s): NV- Clark County Curriculum Overview Grade Level :Grade Three Subject :ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/READING Area :EXPOSITORY TEXT Skill :describe sequential and/or chronological order Skill :read and follow multistep directions to complete tasks Lesson Objective(s): The students will accomplish writing an expository lesson to inform a reader on a “how to” topic. Students will demonstrate the ability to write complete sentences with proper grammar and spelling. MATERIALS AND RESOURCES Instructional Materials: Paper Pencil Expository writing paper (Teacher Made) Large Poster Board Notebook paper with an example of an Expository paragraph(Teacher Made) Student writing checklist (Teacher Made) Large Pitcher with warm water ,15 disposable cups and hot cocoa mix. Resources:
INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Sequence of Instructional Procedures/Activities/Events (provide description and indicate approximate time for each): 1. Identification of Student Prerequisite Skills Needed for Lesson: Students will need to know how to write complete sentences. Students will need to know how to organize their thoughts on paper using proper grammar and punctuation.Students will also need to know how to inform an audience about how to do something. 2. Presentation of New Information or Modeling: To start the lesson, I will describe to the class what expository writing is. I will write on the board the definition of expository writing, my definition is as follows: “Expository writing is something that gives information, it gives ideas or explains directions.” I will then explain a few examples: Some examples are newspapers,biographies, non fiction books about animals. Next I will bring up my poster and show the class my expository work. My work is titled “How to make Hot Cocoa.” As an added treat I will give the students hot cocoa that day of course it will be warm not hot. I will read the students my work, as I am making the hot cocoa. I will explain to the students how clear directions are important since their reader might be following them. Using proper grammar and spelling are essential because we wouldn't want to confuse our readers. Next, I will ask the students to take out a pencil and I will pass out my expository writing paper and student checklist. I will ask the student to work quietly and think about a “how to” It can be anything they want to share with the class. This essays will be shared with the class during an activity the next day.
3. Guided Practice: My guided practice will begin as I am walking around the classroom, helping students formulate ideas for their “how to” writing. I will be checking on their
worksheets and providing feedback and answering any questions they may have. 4. Independent Student Practice: Students will work independently on their “how to” worksheets. I will be walking around observing their progress on their worksheets. I will be available to answer any questions. 5. Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event: To close this lesson I will tell students to take unfinished work home for homework. I will remind them to bring their sheets back. I will tell them that we will be doing a sharing activity the next day. Pedagogical Strategy (or Strategies):
This lesson is direct instruction.
Differentiated Instruction: I will provide any necessary accommodations for my learning disabled students to ensure they needs are met. I will pair an esl student with another student to assist in any way they need. Student Assessment/Rubrics: Emerging/developing Student is able to write some complete sentences. Student has an understanding of what a expository writing entails. The student is able to complete their writing chart with a few grammatical and or spelling errors. Meets Student can successfully write complete sentences with minor errors. The student is able to clearly write a “how to” paragraph that is easy to follow and understand. Exceeds The student can successfully write an error free paragraph with complete sentences. The students work has proper capitalization and punctuation.
MY How To........................... By................
1st___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 2nd__________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Additional____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Last__________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
Teacher Example : How to Make Hot Cocoa Today I will teach everyone how to make hot cocoa. First, you want to ask a parent or grown up to heat up water and pour into a cup for you. A cup such as a coffee or tea cup works best. Second, you open the package of hot cocoa and empty the package into the cup.Stir it up so all the cocoa dissolves into the water. Last, I like to top my hot cocoa with mini marshmallows or whipped cream. Enjoy!
WRITING SUCCESS CHECKLIST: I used capitalization where needed. I used proper punctuation. I read my work twice. I used complete sentences. I used my best printing. I used great details.
(Keep in writing folder)
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