This form should be used for units 003 and 010
|Teacher: | |Location: | |Date: |20/11/12 |
|Topic: |Aerodynamics |Start Time: |9.30am |End Time : |10am |
|Aim: | |
|Timing |Objectives/Outcomes |Teacher Activities |Learner Activities |Resources |Assessment |
| |The learner will: | | | | |
|9.30am |Learners will gain basic principals |Using Flipchart exercise , teacher|Listening, answering questions and|Flip chart Board |Oral questions |
| |of aerodynamic. Make links to |promote discussion of the 4 areas |asking question. |Flit chart paper, with prepared | |
| |earlier sessions. |to consider in flying a plane. | |sheet. Marker pens. | |
| | | | |Handout for learners to keep with | |
| |