Lesson Plan in Mathematics
I.Learning Objectives
Cognitive : Solve mentatlly 1-step word problems involving addition with sums up to 100 without regrouping
Psychomotor: Write an equation correctly
Affective: Show speed and accuracy in solving problem mentally
II. Learning Content Skill: Mental computation 1-step word problems involving afddition References: BEC PELC 1.B.2.2 Materials: Teaxtbook, flashcards, manila paper
Speed and accuracy
Speed and accuracy Value:
III. Learning Experiences A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill – Add mentally (use flashcard)
8 9 4 7 3 +3 +6 +5 +5 +9
2. Review
(Recall the steps in solving word problems involving addition) Group the pupils into 4 teams. Each team will analyze the word problem then let them answer the questions.
Chona has 35 stamps. Her friend gives her 49 more. How many stamps does she have in all?
*What is asked?
*What are given?
*What are the word clues?
*What process should be used?
*Write the number sentences?
*Solve the problem.
Present problem opener
Chito was arranging the social hall for the Grade 3 program. He arranged 60 chairs in rows. Then he arranged 40 more chairs in rows. How many chairs did he arrange altogether?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation a. Let us solve the problem using POLYA’s 4step in problem solving.
Trivia: George Polya is thefather of Problem Solving. He listed 4 simple steps to use when solving any given problem. These are: UNDERSTAND – PLAN – SOLVE – LOOK BACK
Trivia: George Polya is thefather of Problem Solving. He listed 4 simple steps to use when solving any given problem. These are: UNDERSTAND – PLAN – SOLVE – LOOK BACK
a.) Understand What are given? 60 chairs and 40 chairs
What is being asked? How many chairs in all?
What operation will solve the problem? Addition
b.) Plan What equation will solve the problems?