Session: 1
Week No: 3
Date: 22nd May 2013
Time: 60 minuets
Aim: To develop a students’ knowledge and skills when taking and recording patient temperature using a tympanic thermometer.
Objectives – At the end of this session the student will have the knowledge to:
1. Discuss how body temperature is controlled.
2. Identify 5 out of 9 reasons why body temperature may be affected.
3. Use correct terminology when taking temperature.
4. Identify advantages and disadvantages to using a tympanic thermometer.
5. Carry out the task under supervision.
Teach Activity
Learner Activity
Materials / Resources
0-5 minutes
5-15 minutes
15-20 minutes
20-30 minutes
30-35 minutes
35-45 minutes
45-60 minutes
1. Introduction
2. How the body controls temperature
3. Correct terminology explained
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using tympanic thermometer
4. Equipment required
5. Procedure
6. practice
1. Introduction to the session topic,
Explain the overall aim and outcomes of this session
2. Discuss 9 ways body temperature is affected * Infections. * Hormonal changes. * Medications. * Medical conditions. * Altered white cell count. * Physical exercise. * Prolonged exposure to cold/heat. * Burns. * Damage to the brain stem/ vvvvvvvvhypothalamus.
3. Terminology: * Hyperpyrexia- excessive NNNNNtemperature above 40 Celsius. * Hypothermia- temperature below vvv34.4 Celsius. * Pyrexia- temperature above MMnormal values (fever). * Afebrile- no fever.
4. Advantages: