
Lessons Learned In To Kill A Mockingbird

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“If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."(39). By Harper Lee as the author of To Kill A Mockingbird. This book had been published in 1960 but the story was taking place in the 1930’s at this time era the Great Depression, In the south where racism is most Severe. Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird Portrays many life lessons, but the most important are Discrimination, Racism, and Justice.

For example, discrimination was very big in the 1930’s such as things like social classes. The Finch were the top of the ladder or the one of highest standing in the country. The family that come after the Finch’s are the Cunninghams. They are poor but only because their farmers and suffering from the Great Depression, still thought well of. However, the Ewells were “white trash” because they didn’t have money as well as never clean. They’re dad was a drunk and the kids never
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He had been doing this since she was little. Bob had used Tom as a cover up when he hit her, Tom had taken all the blame for rape and for hitting a white woman. Justice was served when Bob had died, Arthur Radley had killed him because Bob was trying to kill Atticus’s kids. The sheriff Mr.tate had made up a story to cover Boo “Arthur” because he knows that Tom should have been innocent from the trial so he made the story up because he know if Boo was in trial in front of all the people it would just kill him. Boo never showed his face and never went out in the daylight only at night. Mr.tate had said that Bob had fell on his known knife chasing the kids, and Boo was not going to be mentioned in the report as well as this is justice for

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